Let's be Thankful, Share a story.

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
Let be Thankful, Share a story.

This year was a bad year for me, Mother passed away earlier this year and my brother came out of comma to find he has extensive brain damage.

I have to be thankful for a few reasons; I think I have my mother’s stubborn behavior. My mother killed herself driving to the ICU. She drove to see my brother everyday for 6 months and only missed a day or two. The days she missed was one they admitted her into the hospital my brother was in. The other day she had a minor adjustment on her pacemaker.

We kept trying to tell her that Bob was going to be ok and that watching him sleep wasn’t doing anything. My mother just said he knows I’m there, shut up I know what I’m doing.
What are you going to tell a mother about her oldest son, she knew best and if it kills her then oh well she said.
My Mother Betty Marie was a stronger woman and has had more influence in my entire life than I have ever realized. Strange when we lose those close , we realize how much they made us what we are.

My mother Betty was a leader in every sense of the word, she was the back bone and she would change things and get things done. If she didn’t think something was right she whipped out her pen and wrote a letter. My mothers said write the people and ask, what they can say no?????????
This and so many other things my mother stood for fundamentally I use in my entire life.
I would say these two things my mother taught me, never give up. And just ask, all they can say is no.

Thanks Mom,
My brother wakes three days after my mother passes, the first words from his mouth are where mom is. He then proceeds to tell us she has been rambling on for days about his daughter and that he had to wake up and take care of her. You could not imagine the joy and tears at the same time. My mother was right; he could hear when we all thought he could not. This is probably the most important thing I have learned in my life is believe when no one else will. Have faith and things can turn out ok.

My brother is alive still and has brain injury, he is learning and rehabilitating and getting better each day. He is at home finally after a year in the hospital and he is with his youngest daughter taking care and doing what he can do. He repeats what my mother kept saying to him. “You got to wake up Bob, Hannah Needs you” When I visit this is what he has based his rehab on that his daughter needs him.
I recently took my bro for ice cream like old times. When the doctor announced him brain dead they were wrong and my mother’s faith and believing changed that. I believe that her praying for him changed that and that no matter what miracles can happen. Mothers always know best…

Betty Thanks for leaving lasting memories for all my children and my entire family. You have a granddaughter with your stubborn behavior. Thank for that too!!!!!!

My brother and moms last Ride!!!!

Very nice story Ron.

I lost my Mom and Grandma due to separate circumstances in the same weekend not long ago. Her (my Mom's) birthday often fell on Thanksgiving, so it can be a sad time of year. It just reminds me how awesome it is that I have five healthy kids and a loving wife. It also makes me admire my Dad all the more as he lost a Mother and a wife of forty years on the same weekend, yet came through it strong.
Very good story Ron, thanks for sharing.

I am grateful to the Neurosergeon that saved my son's life when he was 2 months premature, June of 07' and then June of 08', July of 08' and September 08' when he had to have major brain and stomache surgery each of those times to replace his VP Shunt or he would have died from pressure on the brain.

I am thankful for my son to be so strong in those times as he is in so much pain that the only thing that works most of the time is morphine and they can't give it to him all the time because of his age.

He has been through so much the last 2 years, I would give anything to trade places so he would not have to go through this and the pain. He has some bad scars on his stomache and the back of his head where hair will not grow so we have to keep his hair somewhat long in the back to cover up where the surgery was.

I love him more than anything in the world and would do anything for him.

Since he was born, I have changed for the better in so many ways I can't even start to explain and have learned so much about being a Dad, now I know some of what my dad went through raising 5 kids.

Thanks Dad.
I met Ron's mom, and what a kick. She could back him down so quick that it was funny.

Happy thoughts, my wife, she puts up with me. She would have preferred that I was an accountant or attorney, but she deals with our meager subsistence. There there are my kids, they are amazing, all of them. Even as teenagers, they will do about anything that I ask, just because I am their dad.
Thankful for my Wife for without her I can't do what I do.Thankful that despite me my kids are great.People compliment us all the time about how good they act around people.

Thankful for the parents that made me what I am.Thankful for the time that I had with my Daddy before he died.

Thankful for the Ron sharing his story and making a grown man's eyes well up because he really sent the message home that if you still got your parents around you need to cherish them because they are a gift.
I am thankful for my parents bringing me up to know the difference between right and wrong and for teaching me good manners. Not that I listened...:( I am especially grateful for my wife who puts up with me. If it were not for my wife and the wonderful family that I have now I would probably be dead or calling some big dude daddy in a real dark room with bars on it...:eek: For that I am truely grateful. :)
I am thankful for good family & good friends. Every year around the Holidays it's a great time to refllect on loved ones who have touched our hearts and our souls, for these are the people who have shapped our lives and made us what we are today.

Happy Holidays to all my new friends here on the board, we are now an extended family, and i wish you and your family a great and safe holiday season. CHEER'S !!


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Great story, Ron.

Like Toole above, I'm most thankful for God stepping out of eternity, becoming a man and paying the price for my sin. I didn't deserve it, there is nothing I can do to earn it, but when I die I get to spend eternity with God.

I'm also thankful for my country. Even though we have been declining in morality and basically moving in the wrong direction for years, this is still the greatest country in the world and I wouldn't want to live anywhere else. I'm thankful for the soldiers that fight for our country; the ones that have given everything standing for the freedoms we take for granted.

I'm thankful for my family. Mom, Dad, Wife, kids....couldn't have bought a better family. Through thick and thin, we're in it together.

You guys...not to get too mushy, but I'm thankful for you guys on these boards. My business has prospered and I have been able to take care of my family better because of some of the knowledge learned from you guys on these boards. Thank you all.
Ron, before you know it you'll be holding her in your arms.

I'm thankful that my Dad who died in 2000 taught me about life.

He found out he had cancer and refused treatment. He said "I'm ready to meet Jesus." I held his hand and sang hymns with him up until a week before his death.

He liked the song "Have a little talk with Jesus" because he said he had a lot of questions for "that man".

I asked if he was afraid and he asked if I was afraid when he knocked at my door?

Thank you Dad. You taught me not to fear death.
Guys, what a great thread. Thank you for your stories.

I am thankful for:

Our faith.

For Eric and our great relationship as husband and wife as well as business partners ( It will be 8 years, March of '09).

Our 7 year old son who is a perfect little dude.

The good times and bad times of our business (because we keep learning).

And for each and every one of you here for your willingness to help others with your knowledge of this industry!

Awsome Story Ron!
I always have to remind myself that you can always pull a rose out of a had situation. I have had a horrible year, and have done my best to set things right for the start of 2009! I will be coming back bigger and better than ever I have promised. So what if life gets you down, keep you head up and press forward. Something my father has always told me, is that life is what you make it, and sometimes you will stumble and fall, but your friends and family will always be there for you! I will always be thankful to my family and friends. I would like like to say thank you to the members of PWI for all the help and support you all have gave me this year with my buisness and during my divorse! Most of all I am thankful that I wake up everyday and get to see the ones I love!