Let's ALL Move On ?

Apple Roof Cleaning

Roof Cleaning Instructor
All the recent bickering is NOT good for the roof cleaning industry, PWI, or the emotional health of the posters involved.
I called and talked to Russ, and ASKED him to move ANY post or thread that portrays PWI, or any poster in a less then positive light.
I appreciate the support of all my friends, but we all need to move on.
I will STILL be here, nothing will change but the title of the forum.
We all had a good thing going in the roof experts forum, lets continue it in roof cleaning 250 ?

Beth said, and it is true, that shoppers FIND this stuff, and it makes all of us look unprofessional.

So Russ, I am ASKING you to move this crap, and asking everyone to just start over:)
All the recent bickering is NOT good for the roof cleaning industry, PWI, or the emotional health of the posters involved.
I called and talked to Russ, and ASKED him to move ANY post or thread that portrays PWI, or any poster in a less then positive light.
I appreciate the support of all my friends, but we all need to move on.
I will STILL be here, nothing will change but the title of the forum.
We all had a good thing going in the roof experts forum, lets continue it in roof cleaning 250 ?

Beth said, and it is true, that shoppers FIND this stuff, and it makes all of us look unprofessional.

So Russ, I am ASKING you to move this crap, and asking everyone to just start over:)

I dont do roofs but i have read alot of your post and i hope you stick around. You seem to have alot of knowledge to share and i think that you have helped out alot of people in the roof cleaning biz.
I dont do roofs but i have read alot of your post and i hope you stick around. You seem to have alot of knowledge to share and i think that you have helped out alot of people in the roof cleaning biz.
Thank You :)
Seems like a LOT of people are coming out of the woodwork lately ?
Not everyone posts on the forums.
I often get calls from people who have read the info here at PWI, and thanked myself, and others who posted it.
Many are just here for knowledge, they get it, and go to work.
They stay OUT of the day to day chit chat :)
Thank You :)
Seems like a LOT of people are coming out of the woodwork lately ?
Not everyone posts on the forums.
I often get calls from people who have read the info here at PWI, and thanked myself, and others who posted it.
Many are just here for knowledge, they get it, and go to work.
They stay OUT of the day to day chit chat :)

Ditto a big thanks Tucker! You have been a huge help in clearing things up for me. My roof cleaning has seen dramatic improvements in both results and business. Thanks Chris, and I'm still planning on hooking you up with some Kentucky barbecue.:)
Ditto a big thanks Tucker! You have been a huge help in clearing things up for me. My roof cleaning has seen dramatic improvements in both results and business. Thanks Chris, and I'm still planning on hooking you up with some Kentucky barbecue.:)
I am always DOWN for some Bar B Q O'Bryan :D
How are things spraying Kevin ?

It will be getting COLD pretty soon :eek:

I think I told you of a friend who cleans roofs most of the year up North ?

He has a hot water rig, and sprays WARM water on a roof, makes his mix a tad stronger, and cleans.

Year Round Roof Cleaning :D

Ya like it ?
I dont do roofs but i have read alot of your post and i hope you stick around. You seem to have alot of knowledge to share and i think that you have helped out alot of people in the roof cleaning biz.

Originally Posted by Apple Roof Cleaning View Post
All the recent bickering is NOT good for the roof cleaning industry, PWI, or the emotional health of the posters involved.
I called and talked to Russ, and ASKED him to move ANY post or thread that portrays PWI, or any poster in a less then positive light.
I appreciate the support of all my friends, but we all need to move on.
I will STILL be here, nothing will change but the title of the forum.
We all had a good thing going in the roof experts forum, lets continue it in roof cleaning 250 ?

Beth said, and it is true, that shoppers FIND this stuff, and it makes all of us look unprofessional.

So Russ, I am ASKING you to move this crap, and asking everyone to just start over


To Chris Tucker of Apple Roof Cleaning,

Mr. Tucker,

You ARE a roof cleaner's ROOF CLEANER.

Your broad scope of knowledge and deep sense of commitment to this niche market has been and will continue to be MUCH appreciated by myself and my business and many others on this and other forums in the contract cleaning arena as it shows, via the many supportive posts regarding the shakedown of events leading to your forum being removed by PWI.

It is a sad thing, but it has been done, and it seems for the best interests of all, so may the issue rest in peace.

But having said that, MANY, MANY others across the board feel indebted to you for much of your selfless contributions to furthering ROOF CLEANING as a viable alternative to ROOF REPLACEMENT for homeowners who before thought shingle replacement for aesthetics was their only option and now they (the property owners) know as do countless others, that restoration of the roof IS possible and can be performed safely.

For the RECORD, many appreciate Your pioneering work, Chris Tucker of Apple Roof Cleaning, in this field, your tireless search for the "better, safer, way to properly clean various roofing systems has helped to make the roof cleaning industry a option that many property owners didn't know existed before or were scared to try or have a contractor perform due to lack of knowledge.

Its a fact and I don't think this can be disputed that from your tireless advocacy of promoting a safer way to properly clean roofs and posting your broad scope of knowledge on this subject , many small businesses in the niche of Roof Cleaning have sprouted all over the country and possible worldwide due in small or large part to the detailed knowledge you have so graciously shared with us all.

By your continuous posts and detailed information you are truly to be commended for the years a hard work and trail and error knowledge that you have gain by your over 15 years as a professional roof cleaning and stain prevention practitioner.

I am sure glad you have decided to put this "issue" behind you and not let a few "arrows" drop you from your perch as "The ROOF CLEANING PROFESSOR" because no matter what this or ANY other board, person or competitor says or the title says or doesn't say on ANY forum, thats what you'll always be KNOWN to myself and many others as, "Chris Tucker, the Roof Cleaning PROFESSOR".

Thank you AGAIN, Chris Tucker of Apple Roof Cleaning. I hope to read much, MUCH more from you and learn and grow from many more of your future upcoming informative and insightful posts regarding roof cleaning, stain and algae removal and abatement and prevention.
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Originally Posted by Apple Roof Cleaning View Post
All the recent bickering is NOT good for the roof cleaning industry, PWI, or the emotional health of the posters involved.
I called and talked to Russ, and ASKED him to move ANY post or thread that portrays PWI, or any poster in a less then positive light.
I appreciate the support of all my friends, but we all need to move on.
I will STILL be here, nothing will change but the title of the forum.
We all had a good thing going in the roof experts forum, lets continue it in roof cleaning 250 ?

Beth said, and it is true, that shoppers FIND this stuff, and it makes all of us look unprofessional.

So Russ, I am ASKING you to move this crap, and asking everyone to just start over


To Chris Tucker of Apple Roof Cleaning,

Mr. Tucker,

You ARE a roof cleaner's ROOF CLEANER.

Your broad scope of knowledge and deep sense of commitment to this niche market has been and will continue to be MUCH appreciated by myself and my business and many others on this and other forums in the contract cleaning arena as it shows, via the many supportive posts regarding the shakedown of events leading to your forum being removed by PWI.

It is a sad thing, but it has been done, and it seems for the best interests of all, so may the issue rest in peace.

But having said that, MANY, MANY others across the board feel indebted to you for much of your selfless contributions to furthering ROOF CLEANING as a viable alternative to ROOF REPLACEMENT for homeowners who before thought shingle replacement for aesthetics was their only option and now they (the property owners) know as do countless others, that restoration of the roof IS possible and can be performed safely.

For the RECORD, many appreciate Your pioneering work, Chris Tucker of Apple Roof Cleaning, in this field, your tireless search for the "better, safer, way to properly clean various roofing systems has helped to make the roof cleaning industry a option that many property owners didn't know existed before or were scared to try or have a contractor perform due to lack of knowledge.

Its a fact and I don't think this can be disputed that from your tireless advocacy of promoting a safer way to properly clean roofs and posting your broad scope of knowledge on this subject , many small businesses in the niche of Roof Cleaning have sprouted all over the country and possible worldwide due in small or large part to the detailed knowledge you have so graciously shared with us all.

By your continuous posts and detailed information you are truly to be commended for the years a hard work and trail and error knowledge that you have gain by your over 15 years as a professional roof cleaning and stain prevention practitioner.

I am sure glad you have decided to put this "issue" behind you and not let a few "arrows" drop you from your perch as "The ROOF CLEANING PROFESSOR" because no matter what this or ANY other board, person or competitor says or the title says or doesn't say on ANY forum, thats what you'll always be KNOWN to myself and many others as, "Chris Tucker, the Roof Cleaning PROFESSOR".

Thank you AGAIN, Chris Tucker of Apple Roof Cleaning. I hope to read much, MUCH more from you and learn and grow from many more of your future upcoming informative and insightful posts regarding roof cleaning, stain and algae removal and abatement and prevention.

I am a bit frustrated guys and I have to vent about this.

The saying goes:

"IF you can't STAND for something, You'll FALL for ANYTHING"

I have a question for the moderators, Administrators, Russ, Ron, etc.

Under Chris tuckers Apple Roof Cleaning heading it shows "BANNED" 200 Plus poster.

This concerns and upsets me.

What does this mean. What it implies to me is that once you take the time to write 2000 plus posts you are automatically BANNED from being a moderator?

I know Chris get many potential customers and prospects of his work looking on line and this CANNOT be good for him and it seems unfair to LABEL him and his company as "banned" Please explain why this is occurring or change it.

If Chris is banned why are you allowing him to be here. Its seems a sad day to me when we offer up our advice and knowledge to the betterment of all as experts in this field in a growing industry on a board where the ROOF CLEANING FORUM RANKINGS were extremely high in the search engines on Google and Yahoo only to pull someone who has greatly helped the board reach this broad audience and bring in the large numbers of board hits and then to top it off to now LABEL them as BANNED?

This concerns me. Am I next, or you, your buddy or someone else that goes contrary to opinions possibly those with hidden agendas, that would nothing more than the public view to be dimmed on your positive positioning over years of post only to be BANNED when it gets uncomfortable for a chosen few?

Is this a board where we can be opinionated and ask tough questions regarding contract cleaning, and issues that are just as important such as moral and ethical values and honor and keeping your word and get real answers or is it just another" follow the follower" case where the powers that be, use a scapegoat to be set as an example so no one has the courage for free speech here.

It just doesn't sit right with me and I feel I have to say something.

No, rightly, I do not the whole story here and may only have a slightly biased view as I do like Chris and admire his companies growth thru the years but other than that, I have no vested interest to stand up and say something about the man and his views as I interpret them.

Maybe mistakes have been made but it is extremely harsh to LABEL someone as BANNED.

OUCH! Thats gotta hurt guys! Think about it??

This is a human being who has Actually been a HUGE benefit and other than Possibly a few questionable posts, depending on who's reading them Chris is a person and who owns a thriving company, one who has been envied for his business savvy and acumen and who has been an asset and definitely NOT a detriment to all here concerned.

There must be more than meets the eye here, something that proves the need for all this harshness and I feel all deserve to know the truth.

What about it Administrators?

Can you let the cat out of the bag or remove this detrimental "tag" from Apple Roof Cleaning or will you cut my post also to spare the board further scrutiny?
A decision had been made by Russ and this topic is closed for the time being.Russ has no need to give you or any other roof cleaner an explanation.

Please move on to more positive things.

I couldn't agree more. The issue is closed as I have heard enough of it as well. Lets move on. My apologies to call out anyone over this issue as it is not my place.

I truly hope that we can build a more positive board and that we can educate, train and positively impact a future generations of contract cleaners by offering up a higher standard of excellence in handling these types of situations.

I vote for a new view at brighter days at PWI and a better scenario and more professional way of handling ourselves in the future for all of us here at PWI.