Leaving Las Vegas

Tony Shelton

BS Detector, Esquire
Well, Lou Gardner did some training with us this weekend. He had been working up north and his plan was to work his way back toward Phoenix doing some jobs along the way.
BUT yesterday his truck started having problems. Chris and Lou almost got it going with a new fuel pump relay, but it only worked for an hour or so. So were trying to get him back on the road with a new fuel pump so he since no one will work on it on Sunday!
Anyway it's made for some fun times. Here are some pics:

Man, I would LOVE to meet you guys Tony!
I am no stranger to the underside of a truck either.
Lou is from my hometown of Detroit too, I am sure we could share war stories !
We also came across these little soldiers.

We went inside, leaving the light out under the truck and came back an hour later and found these little guys ALL over the place.


What the heck are these? They look like chiggers but they are black, not red.

<embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allownetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid468.photobucket.com/albums/rr46/sonitx/MVI_5121.flv" height="361" width="600">
You'd think a fuel pump would last longer than 260,085.5 miles :shrug:
Lou I didnt even know that was you under the truck for a minuite I would have sworn you and Tony were Chris Gibson and Matt Bryan, then I realized it was a Ford and not a Hummer and I know there is no way that they would drive a Ford, they leave those trucks to us little people!

Chris used to drive a Ford SUV :yeah:
Fun times, fun times :rotflmao: