Landa pump rating question

Tony Shelton

BS Detector, Esquire
I've got at Landa PGHW4-35324E skid.

The Landa book says this is a 3500PSI 4.7GPM unit.

The pump itself says LT6035/L 3500PSI 6.0GPM 1540 RPM.

Is this a 4.7 GPM machine or a 6 GPM machine?

And why does it call for a #5 tip in the manual?

The pump is rated at its maximum recommended rpm's. They have used the pulley ratio to slow the pump to produce the machines actual output.

If it were me I would absolutely run more water at 3000 psi instead of 3500. You could probably run 6 gpm at 3000 - much better I think.
The pump is rated at its maximum recommended rpm's. They have used the pulley ratio to slow the pump to produce the machines actual output.

On this particular pump can I change the pulley for more GPM? I don't need the 3500 psi but I do need the 6 GPM
Russ the pulley is a 2BK90. The pump is an LT6035 and the engine is a 20 hp Honda. I called Landa just to see if increasing GPM was common enough for them to just have the right pulley on hand and the guy told me I would need a 29hp motor to get 6gpm! I didn't ask him what he was smoking.

That 20hp is plenty! I would put a tape on both pulleys like Russ said just to be sure. You don't want to change the engine pulley because it runs the generator. Since the pump pulley will be smaller there wont be a clearance issue.

In general engine rpm / pump rpm = how much bigger
3600/1540 = 2.34 - pump pulley should be 2.34 times bigger

So you pick out the closest size
The only correction might be that the engine probably runs a little under 3600 when loaded.
Yes you can. And the fact that it has a 120 volt burner means you can boost the heat some to make the 6 gpm as hot as it is now. You'll have to change belts, too. Give me the pulley OD (pump and engine), and I'll tell you what you need to get.

Russ, I tried to measure the pulley this weekend, but my truck is so tight I'm going to have to use the lift, pick up the machine and remove the fuel tanks before I can get to the pulley. Is there any reason I have to leave that shroud on over the pulleys once I get it off? It sure is going to be a PITA to ge off.

Tony, if you don't have employees and you can remember to stay away from the spinning belts, you don't HAVE to. But i recommend reinstalling them for safety's sake. Once you get your finger caught in a belt, you never want to do it again. I know this personally.:eek:
The only correction might be that the engine probably runs a little under 3600 when loaded.
Always figure loaded speed at 3,400 RPMs

Russ, I tried to measure the pulley this weekend, but my truck is so tight I'm going to have to use the lift, pick up the machine and remove the fuel tanks before I can get to the pulley. Is there any reason I have to leave that shroud on over the pulleys once I get it off? It sure is going to be a PITA to ge off.

Can you see the generator well enough to get a measure on it's pulley? It'll be the same diameter as the engine pulley.

Russ the pulley is a 2BK90. The pump is an LT6035 and the engine is a 20 hp Honda.
I can probably use this data to figure it out. I'll get back to you tomorrow.