LAnce winslow This one will make you laugh!!

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member

Wow very interesting site, Lance Winslow III

Some washers that apparently feel they got the bad end of the stick against lance. I usually recommend signing up for BBS. I would read this one but be careful about posting on this one.
I have been a little disturb by this site this morning, can’t stop thinking about it. I know that the guys that built this site intention are to questions Lance Winslows character & business practices.

However it may hurt fellow washers, ones already in lances hands. These are just hard working people that fell into the franchising system. Remember all franchising has not been bad.

I will not post on this BBS for many different reasons. I don’t like Lance Winslow from personal experience. However he did get cleared of the charges made against him. I believe he made mistake’s and folks got hurt.

Some of the things lance claims about revenue are true and still people keep questioning. 130,000 a year for one rig are possible. I have heard many other claims, as well that can be true. Pressure washing is not for every individual and we will all have different income from are hard work. Yes hard work is what’s required to have your rig do 130,000 a year.

All in all I don’t like or support Lance as a franchiser or a person, but a mans business is his business and if the government cleared him then let him go. Buyers are adult and should have investigated the industry and would have learned they didn’t need lance.

Think about this?????? If they couldn’t make it with help, would they have made it without him?
Well, I have talked to Will from ( he’s doesn’t sound as crazy as he appears on the site. He enlightened me about several questions I had personally about Lance and confirmed some others.

I told him about my personal experiences with lance and he laughed and said par for the course.

I will say his site may do some good and recant the statement about the others being effected. I think those associated with lance already wont be affected that much and that the benefits of prevention’s could be greater.

While talking with Will I got the impression that Lance is no longer selling car wash guys franchises. Now they are listed as wash guys. Separate entities from what I have heard. Lance cannot harass old franchiser as part of his agreement with the FTC. There is also a different WEB site called

I invited will to tell you some of his funny stories about the so-called Blitz’s team. (FLYERS)

I think we talked for about two hours and I really learned a lot. I told Will we hope Lance doesn’t come to this site because bashing is not what we are about. Yet I respect the things he shared and that I will tune into his site to hear the latest and anxious to hear similar stories from other franchisee.

Keep in mind Will is currently still holding the rights to franchise in CO. he told me many franchiser do not like Lance.

Hi Ron,

I don't sound as crazy as I appear on my site....geee thanks :D

I enjoyed talking with you today. I wanted to make sure that you understod where I was coming from and why I had put the site together. There are many reasons why I finally decided to put the site up.

What I really want people to take from my site are the facts and truth about Lance and how he operates and treats his franchisees. My dealings with him have cost me a substantial amount of money as a result of his lies. The same can be said for many other CWG franchisees. I'm hoping to get some of them to my new site to tell their own stories/experiences with Lance.

I'm not really the type to go out looking to rock the boat but I finally got to the point where enough is enough. I want to help make sure that others do not make the same mistake that myself and others made by getting involved with him. It is certainly not my intent for the site to be a reflection on the current franchisees who are still with the Car Wash Guys. All of the franchisees I know are honest hard working people. I'm friends with many of them. My only gripes are with Lance and how he treats franchisees and people in general. If my site can help inform people so they know the facts before buying a franchise then I will feel as though I have helped.

As Ron mentioned, Lance is now selling franchises under the new name According to Lance the Car Wash Guys company is actually closed. So he feels that he can now go into areas where he has already sold Car Wash Guys franchises and now sell franchises. This is what he said he was going to do here in Colorado with my franchise. I told him he coudln't legally do that since I paid for this area. He then told me he hopes I drop dead from anthrax. He's sounds like a very pleasant person doesn't he.

Which makes you wonder...if Car Wash Guys is no longer a company then why does he still use as his main site. He still has an opportunity section on the site to inquire about buying a franchise. Of course, the franchise would really be a franchise. He has his bulletin board on the Car Wash Guys site along with a "meet the franchisees" section and alot of other stuff.

Well, that's about all I've got to say for now. If any of you have had an experiences with Lance that you would like to share feel free to come on over to my site and make a post.

Also, I just wanted to make a quick correction to Ron's link to Lances new site. The link is:

There is no "s" on it

Thanks for the link to my site Ron. It was good talking to you.

Will Blackburn
Hey Will,
Aren't you the guy that is in Colorado Springs that was Lance's poster boy for a while? Just curious.
Also, FYI He also posts on his customer list customers that are not car wash guy customers, but are accounts they bid on and lost.
At least one of them is mine.

Scott Stone
Hey Scott,

I don't think I would say I was Lance's poster boy. When I was first starting out three years ago, there were not many other franchisees in his system to talk about. So it may have seen as though he talked more about me especially since I was one of the few franchisees that spent time on the net and was visible in some of the BB's. This was all before I got to really know what the guy was all about.

When you mention the customer lists he has posted are you talking about lists of customers he has in the "meet the franchisees" section or on his BB? I'm not surprised he has incorrect info in there.

I've read some of the Posts that Mr Winslow has made. Makes me wonder, how many boards has he been removed from?

And does he actually like anybody. even himself?

Douglas Hicks

General Fire Equipment Co of Estern Oregon, Inc
I meant no offense. I just remember that he seemed to talk about you and The guys in Scottsdale and Tempe a lot. I am glad to see that you are coming over to from the darkside and joining a terrorist group. I think that is what Lance called al of us.

Scott:D :D :D


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