Key words, SEO your site

Where do you add these tags? Do they have to be visible or can they be text the same color as the background? What is the best, most effective way?
Where do you add these tags? Do they have to be visible or can they be text the same color as the background? What is the best, most effective way?

They dont need to be visible. They are implemented into the webpage code aka metatags. Google recognizes just a few, if you put a whole bunch it could have negative impact. The best way to improve your page on google is more content, google friendly code (Bboards and bloging apps are very google friendly), lots of links coming from out sites.
Someone posted this here before I think.

According to that website you can have too many tags. They also claim spoofing key words with invisible text etc can get you booted from Google search engine etc. I have no idea if that's true or just a rumor from Google to discourage it.

I took a lot of time last winter and read up on SEO. I did modify my tags and a number of other things sometime ago and it seemed to help a lot. I don't know if it was a direct result or just dumb luck. Ether way 90% of our work came from the web last year.
Someone posted this here before I think.

According to that website you can have too many tags. They also claim spoofing key words with invisible text etc can get you booted from Google search engine etc. I have no idea if that's true or just a rumor from Google to discourage it.

I took a lot of time last winter and read up on SEO. I did modify my tags and a number of other things sometime ago and it seemed to help a lot. I don't know if it was a direct result or just dumb luck. Ether way 90% of our work came from the web last year.

You are very right. Google does not like plain non sense flood text on the page especially hidden with the same color as the background. Natural content that has sense or produced by buletine board or blog backed up with good code is the best way to go.
SEO is very very important nowadays, it could substitute live sales force completely.
... My 'flood' text is a test to see how google indexes those keywords from PWI. My site and blogs do me pretty well in generating leads and calls, not as good as I would like though.

In general, you want your copy to read as naturally as possible - More content, inbound links and regular blog/site updates help.

Majority of our work comes from 'in-person' interaction, phone calls and a concerted marketing approach.
Someone posted this here before I think.

According to that website you can have too many tags. They also claim spoofing key words with invisible text etc can get you booted from Google search engine etc. I have no idea if that's true or just a rumor from Google to discourage it.

I took a lot of time last winter and read up on SEO. I did modify my tags and a number of other things sometime ago and it seemed to help a lot. I don't know if it was a direct result or just dumb luck. Ether way 90% of our work came from the web last year.

Rick, thanks for the link. This will be helpful to anyone who wants more traffic to their site.
I just want to say for the record that you have to be a complete moron to tell everybody what your targeted keywords are on this public forum!

Steven, I'm not calling you a moron, but some of you out there even thinking of posting your real keywords.. don't do it! The last thing you want to do is give your competition this info. Especially if you are running adwords campaigns.
Hey Hey Hey take that Tampa stuff off of there!

Relax Kory. The last time I saw someone keyword something like that they were banned from Google within 3days. I really thought that it was a joke until I checked and their site was no where to be found. Google had pulled it from all searches. Steve, I really hope this doesn't happen to you buddy and I hope it doesn't raise any red flags for PWI. Just my 2 pennies!
I would use Hood Cleaning if i did hoods.

We have fiundamental words we all use. Just trying to have some not forget the obvious.

Like the state city...

Or website in the tags :secret:

... Less than 24 hours, nice.

I'll reduce the number of keywords... I'm not really targeting pressure washing in Miami or Tampa guys, would be a complete waste of time - you guys and the thousands of others have it pretty much sewn up. I'm more interested in pressure washing in Orlando and pressure washing in North Florida...:joyful:

Larry, thanks for your concern about the keywords - I just wanted to test, did anything happen to your ranking with the white text in your signature line?

Ant, it's cool, just about all my competitors use these keywords or some variation - i don't use PPC marketing and there are ways within browsers and online software to discover people's keyword density, usage, metatags, etc.

... Less than 24 hours, nice.

I'll reduce the number of keywords... I'm not really targeting pressure washing in Miami or Tampa guys, would be a complete waste of time - you guys and the thousands of others have it pretty much sewn up. I'm more interested in pressure washing in Orlando and pressure washing in North Florida...:joyful:

Larry, thanks for your concern about the keywords - I just wanted to test, did anything happen to your ranking with the white text in your signature line?

Ant, it's cool, just about all my competitors use these keywords or some variation - i don't use PPC marketing and there are ways within browsers and online software to discover people's keyword density, usage, metatags, etc.

No! Nothing bad if that's what you meant. I took it off about 2 months or more just to be on the safe side. I wasn't trying to be mean. I just didn't want to see your site get pulled from Google searches. I'm serious! I saw it happen to 2 local guys. Their web sites no longer come up on google searches because google flagged all their excessive key wording as spam.

The link that you posted for google shows this thread for PWI which is what I expected would happen. I'm just not sure if you were trying to do that or to see if it would boost YOUR site. I always put tags, and keywords in all my new posts that I want to pull up in searches. I've got a bunch that show up locally on google from here. I just try not to go crazy with it. If my site were to get pulled I would be in some serious chit because A lot of my new business comes from my web site.
No! Nothing bad if that's what you meant. I took it off about 2 months or more just to be on the safe side. I wasn't trying to be mean. I just didn't want to see your site get pulled from Google searches. I'm serious! I saw it happen to 2 local guys. Their web sites no longer come up on google searches because google flagged all their excessive key wording as spam.

The link that you posted for google shows this thread for PWI which is what I expected would happen. I'm just not sure if you were trying to do that or to see if it would boost YOUR site. I always put tags, and keywords in all my new posts that I want to pull up in searches. I've got a bunch that show up locally on google from here. I just try not to go crazy with it. If my site were to get pulled I would be in some serious chit because A lot of my new business comes from my web site.

I know you weren't trying to be mean, likewise, I was just interested to see if the white text had affected you... it's always the same, you hear the stories but don't believe them until they happen to you or someone you know.

I knew that the linked keywords on this site wouldn't link back to my site, if anything it would or could just be one inbound link. I haven't spammed keywords anywhere else, so hopefully will be OK. I rank OK for other words and variations locally, not top of the lists but usually on the first page.

Thanks for the advice Larry... noted for the future and my original post edited!! :dance3:
Relax Kory. The last time I saw someone keyword something like that they were banned from Google within 3days. I really thought that it was a joke until I checked and their site was no where to be found. Google had pulled it from all searches. Steve, I really hope this doesn't happen to you buddy and I hope it doesn't raise any red flags for PWI. Just my 2 pennies!

It wont raise Flags for PWI, I'm not worried about it.

I'm glad steven changed it.

Do we all use words like service, company...

These are the things I'm talking about.

Gum removal I beleive is important.