Kentucky newbie

All Wet

New member
Hello to everyone. My name is Jason Spurr. My fiancee and I recently started our own PW business. I am located in central Kentucky. I have learned a lot of helpful thiings from all you guys (and gals). My biggest difficulty is marketing, I guess. I am slowly learning advertising as well as the market for PW customers. Just saying "hi" and thanks for all the wonderful info and help.
Welcome Jason, Your at the right place, I have been spraying for a long time and I learn something new almost daily.
Thanks to you all. I appreciate it. Hey Scrappy, I am from Trimble originally, lived about a half mile from the Carroll county line on Kings Ridge. Know some people from up that way. Give me a yell sometime
ya i know a bunch form up there. . . Did you know the Howard Family? Nick Howard was the kid that just went pro he was 18 and died in a car accedent about 3 weeks ago. It has been pretty rough around here since that alot of the kids (younger kidS) that ride moto looked up to him i know my lil brother was a big fan of him. But on a liter note . . .Did you here Carroll Co. was getting a zoo? ????? ya we are fencing in trimble county lol
thats funny....considering what Carroll is like...course Trimble isn't much better at all. My dad still lives in Milton, so I am up that way every now and then