Cool, Looking good DJ. Now if I could get those cups in the hands of PM's all over the east that would be really cool LOL. See ya in Bama
Hey didnt you get coffee cups made up? Lets see them.
good cheap advertising, I see them in many offices still a year or two later
Who made the mugs for you Jeff? They look good, Did you get them done locally or did you order them? I want to have some made up . Thanks.
Thanks, look up National Pen. I had Keith from KBK send them my logo, they are a bit of a pain to deal with but do nice work. 99 cents a mug plus a small set up fee.
Jeff's mugs are cool but his PENS are the best writing pens I've ever gotten to use, except for Sun Brites. They write good, they last forever and they're clicky pens, not ones that you lose tops for.
Same place Jeff?
PS - I have TWO mugs AND a hat, too