just for fun>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Dan S

I am going to write a sentence without looking at my keyboard too see how well i remember where the keys are. This may be exciting i will not edit it whatever comes out comes out..also i will time it......here goes....

I am going towrite a sentende wothput ;ppling aaat my leybarf too see how well i remrmbbber where the keyd aarw This may be exxciting i wiiill not edit it whaarever coomes ot a;so i will time ie .......here goed...

WOW...... do ya think i need a typing class.........

okay guys lets see how you do NO CHEATING ...write that same sentence with just your fingers on the keys not your eyes........i dont think i need to tell you how long it took.........i know it's corny but hey what the heck!!
I am going to write a sentence without looking art the keyboarf, I am not going to tell you how long it took, I didn't edit it or make any other corrections to it. Well, how did I do?

Okay, it wasn't the same message, but you get the idea.

I/dl; to sdogd z xkpoi cy90t ok hor zO f00 hellp f j7 dz, jkie-] _, ;ppd8 d I mrrf 66op 54wr f- 06dom t Lre ;l;o,t o7 y;;/tou dk it rriik kkr dyd I d9 it bnui ni yyoiu ar3 you are my sunshine o you are my sunshine o how are you my sunshine ok o ds9d z( doi om tjd tdft at klest U sys xhgwau any redneck can read it o my sunshine do didly do do didly do,think I'll run up town do didly do.

hey I type the way I clean,I keep my eye on what I'm doing but sometimes I see double if not blurred awittle,boy I'm going to enjoy today,yelp going to town and send some my muddy money before it dries or atleast get the burning part out of my back pocket,,think me going buy something new for me today hmmm but what,,,I'll know when I see it do didly do you are my sunshine do didly do.fun,corny,did you see that "wow" O what the heck her pants where eating her up anyway.
Reminds me of the question," how long would it take a bunch of monkeys to type the works of Shakespear"?

Douglas Hicks
General Fire Equipment Co of Eastern Oregon, Inc

Might help to take a computer and typing class at your local adult school..

Now I always type without looking at the keyboard, but then I had typing way back in jr. hi school and if you think I do pretty good most times.

Now is the time for all good man to come to the aid of their party.

Hey do that over and over and over and you will learn.

OR BUY ONE OF THOSE KEYBOARDS FOR PEOPLE WHO NEED LARGE LETTERS!!! Dan you do ok for a backwards type fellow, I mean if Bigboy could do it so can you. And he lives way out in the boondockies too. Bet that lake even has a monster in it and that is why he no catch no fishy.