Just follow the grease trail and you'll find the grease.


facilisales Machine
I felt a little like a detective yesterday when I went to bid this job.

The pictures tell the story better than my words.
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What shoddy work! A certified cleaner would know that grease belongs in a pickle bucket, not a cardboard box! Actually that used to be called bear bait until those in the Metro Area voted against baiting bears. (They don't have bears in Portland Golf Courses)

Douglas Hicks
General Fire Equipment Co of Eastern Oregon, Inc
Now let's not sell them short, that box would have been just fine had they not let it sit in the sun. I don't waste my pickle buckets for grease, they are good and sturdy, and make good step stools when you need a little extra, and there is no room for a regular ladder. I wonder what OSHA thinks about pickle buckets doubling as step stools?
Hmmm there a question, how many of us have miss used a ladder because our job gives us no choice. nothing like setting a ladder up next to an oven climbing up to find you have to reach out 4 ft to one side or the other get what you want and the ladder won't move any closer, or how about this one. I can get to that access if I stand with my left foot on the ladder, my right foot on the corner of a shelf, holding on to a sprinkler pipe with my left hand, while I remove the access, clean the grease, and put it back together with my right hand.
We'll there ya go! Another creative use for pickle buckets, are they not the most versatile tool on you truck?
Evven better than pickle buckets are the plastic milk cartons. You keep your clamps and scrapers in them. When the tools get too greasy, run them through the dishmachine or pw the grease off. The holes in the milk crate allow water to drain off. Milk cartons are more stable to stand on too. They stack up better in the van.

Douglas Hicks
General Fire Equipment Co of Eastern Oregon, Inc
Where car registraation is only $30.00 a year, can't get that price in Colorado can you, Richard?
I no longer fear pickle barrel stability - if they will support 250 pound Bryan they can surely support my puny (however very muscular) 185 pound frame!

You are absolutely correct Douglas - you can't get anything in Colorado at a reasonable cost. My son just paid the annual registration on his 2 vehicles in amount approx $1,000, only to learn he could have saved $940 if he had waited until he arrived in Oregon. What a bummer. I have 8 vehicles in my household - this is incentive enough to move to Oregon.
Maybe the pickle buckets could also be given a really fancy title and renamed as "Rooftop Grease Containment Devices"

You could charge many thousands of dollars to install them.
You could charge thousands more to maintain them.

I hope someone hasn't already thought of this before me......I might be onto something.
How 'bout an exchange service, much like a filter exchange service? You could charge a small amount - like $50 per each 'containment device', thus enhancing satisfaction and clientele retention. It wouldn't take much of your time - simply pour the emulsion down the roof trap, throw the bucket off the roof into the open dumpster, and replace with one of their buckets. Heck, we do that now without charge! Thanks for the money-making idea Chris! This BB is great!
pickle buckets

listen guys if these pickle buckets were all that......justin would be fitting them in his trailors by now :p