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All drivers licence bureaus across the US are having people come in and renue their drivers lic the next time theirs is going to expire. You'll get a post card in the mail saying you may need to have an eye exam and update your pic. They recently implimented a national drivers licence data base. If you have any outstanding parking tickets, warrants, speeding tickets, unpaid property taxes on homes or vehicles you are required to have them taken care of before they will issue you a new drivers licence. I went Wednesday to renue mine and was informed that I had 2 unpaid speeding tickets in RI. and unpaid property taxes on 2 vehicles in Massachusetts. All of these were from 1988-1990. After 2 hrs on the phone out in the regestry parking lot if found out I owed $1592.00
Real Nice! I was not a happy camper. This is a new system that they have now and it doesn't matter where you live or how long ago the violations were. Just thought I would give you guys the heads up on this...
Thanks for the info, mine expires in 2013 so I am good for a while.
Mine 2027
2027 ??? :eek: Ron, are you sure? Thats 19 yrs from now. :confused: The most I've heard of any lic being any good for was 6yrs before having to be renued.
All drivers license bureaus across the US are having people come in and renew their drivers lic the next time theirs is going to expire. You'll get a post card in the mail saying you may need to have an eye exam and update your pic. They recently implemented a national drivers license data base. If you have any outstanding parking tickets, warrants, speeding tickets, unpaid property taxes on homes or vehicles you are required to have them taken care of before they will issue you a new drivers license. I went Wednesday to renew mine and was informed that I had 2 unpaid speeding tickets in RI. and unpaid property taxes on 2 vehicles in Massachusetts. All of these were from 1988-1990. After 2 hrs on the phone out in the registry parking lot if found out I owed $1592.00
Real Nice! I was not a happy camper. This is a new system that they have now and it doesn't matter where you live or how long ago the violations were. Just thought I would give you guys the heads up on this...

How in the world have they not found you before now? I would dispute any amount, possibly offer to settle, as you are not required to keep receipts for 20 years and they likely don't have the actual bill, just an entry in a computer from an old list. Back in the early 80's, I lived in CT. Five or more years later I was informed that I owed personal property tax, plus interest and penalties. When they could not present proof (actual bill) they settled. (I never disputed that I may owe some money, but I had moved and did not recall receiving any bills after the move - even though I had informed the state of my new address and had even paid taxes on other vehicles.)
Thats what I asked John. Problem is Ive only got a few more days to clear all this up before my B-Day or my lic will be suspended. I was able to get the property tax in MA. Knocked down from $1114.00 to $800.00

Something sounds fishy to me though. The Ma. Registry made me call another # because it was so old. Come to find out this is a company hired by the town to collect on back taxes. Sounds more like a collection agency more than anything to me. The woman got a real attitude with me when I asked her if she was from a collection agency and threatened to leave my bill at the original $1114.00
It took everything I had to bite my tongue and try to be nice. She asked me 3 times " now you do have my direct line don't you? Call me Tues when you are gonna pay and I'll walk you through it on line". Something just don't seem Right! :confused: I paid my tickets for the speeding on line the other night. I'm gonna wait until Monday and call to see if that cleared it up and then the other place can kiss my azz. (if it goes through)
Here is a link to the place that is trying to collect the $800.00 on my back vehicle taxes from 20 yrs ago. Tell me what you think. Maybe I'm missing something.

It looks pretty official but then again,,,why wouldn't it!
I think you are dealing with a collection agency.These companies buy bad debt from people for pennies on the dollar and strong arm people into paying.I would fight it.I certainly wouldn't pay a government fine to someone not in govornment.

They will spit and sputter and threaten but in the end its all smoke and mirrors.
I asked if she was with a collection agency like the ones that buy bad debts and that is when she went off on me. She even put me on hold after that for almost 4 minutes. It all just seems a bit odd to me.