Junk Mail

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
Dr.Daniel Amadi
160,kingsway road,

Dear Sir/Madam

This is important, and requires your immediate
First, I must solicit your strictest confidence in
the transaction.

To intimate you further, we are top officials of
the new civilian administration, who are interested in
transferring the sum of $31,000,000.00
which are presently trapped in Nigeria. In order to
actualize this dream, we seek your assistance to
transfer the said-trapped fund into an interest
bearing account which you have absolute control over
in your country or a third world country other than

Due to the sensitive nature of this transaction and my
position as a serving Government official,I can not
reveal the details to you until,you have contact me
indicating your interest in this proposal.
At this moment we have worked out modalities to
transfer the sum of US$31,000,000.00 (Thirty one
million, United States Dollars) only,
into an account we hope you will provide for us.This
is due to the fact that as civil-servants,we are not
permited to own or operate a foreign account.

Furthermore, my colleagues and I are willing to
transfer the total sum of US$31,0000.00 (Thirty one
Million, United States Dollars) into your account
for disbursement. Your areas of specialization is
not a hindrance to the successful execution of this
transaction and the account required for this
project can either be PERSONAL, COMPANY or an
OFFSHORE account you have total control over.

Needless to say, the trust reposed on you at this
juncture is enormous. In return, we will agree on an
agreeable sharing formular which should be
satisfactory to us all.I am sorry,I can not reveal the
details until you have contacted me indicating your
interest to assist us transfer the said funds.

Modalities have been worked out to the highest
level for the immediate transfer of the funds within
14 working days subject to your interest and
commitment .I want you to understand that having put
over 23 years in the civil service of my country, I
am averse to having my image, and career dented. This
matter should be treated with utmost confidentiality.

I await your immediate response

Dr.Daniel Amadi

What would you think of this, prank? FBI? what?



  • Lisa cleaning concrete.jpg
    Lisa cleaning concrete.jpg
    106.9 KB · Views: 175
It's a SCAM.

Once they have your account # or #'s they raid it and take all they can get.

This is a very old scam.
I must agree it is a scam. I got the same letter about a month ago. did not know what to do with it so I trashed it. If it sounds to good to be true, it is. :D
This is called the Nigerian letter. The Post office has so many ofthese on file, that if you call them they do not want to even look at it. They are starting to circulate on the internet now, and as always, a few people get sucked in.
Ron, you must be a low roller, I got one for $78,000,000 once

Definetly A Scam

I received this same letter in my mail yesterday Ron trashed it I recomend you do the same, their only out to get money not give it away or hand over control.
