jumping in........slowly


New member
Hey guys, I'm new here and appreciate this forum very much as I have read pretty much all of the posts applicable to Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning. A few months ago I started looking into this line of work and have researched the in's and out's since. Everything from equipment, to supplies, to operating expenses , insurances and marketing.

Where I live in West Ky, there is very little competition in this line of work, and from what I have been told by restaurant owners/managers, that the exhaust system is cleaned by companies in Lousiville or Indy...( about 2 hours away). Because of the lack of competition, and actually living in a decent size metro area, including parts of Indiana and Illinois, its really hard to get ahold of many guys in the biz to talk and gain some insight, and maybe some tag-a-long training. Because of this, I have opted to have training at one of the schools that offers hood cleaning. I looked into www.hoodcleaningschool.com, and they seem promising, but I cant for the life of me see what makes this school cost two and a half times more for some simple accounting and business info. I've looked into Phil's training, and I've looked into Fireman LLC in East Tennessee. What do ya'll actually know about any of these schools by personal accounts. I'm leaning toward the Fireman LLC school, not just because of the price, but because this school actually offers a well rounded business plan to offer fire suppression training and hood cleaning. My ultimate goal is to offer fire suppression, as well hood cleaning, with filter exchange as an add on service.

Basically, does anyone know of anyone that went through the Fireman LLC school?

Like I said, I'm just researching right now and gathering info. and trying to decide if the juice is worth the squeeze.

Anything that ya'll can say to help me along would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance
I would send a message or call some of the guys that clean hoods and talk to them and get their opinions on the schools.

There are a lot of things out there that is a waste of time and money, they will tell you about it and what to avoid.

I don't clean hoods but if I did I would ask the guys about where to get the right training and try to get some real-world-on-the-job-training from some of the guys out of town to learn the ropes and shorten the learning curve a lot.

Good luck.
Good ole Hendo! That's right. LOL. Yea, from what I have heard from the managers that most are content, but not happy with their current KEC guys..........None of them stated anything about shoddy work, but natually, pricing was the first thing on their minds.....Which is to be expected. I'll probably take you up on that offer and call you up soon, I appreciate the help.
Hey guys, I'm new here and appreciate this forum very much as I have read pretty much all of the posts applicable to Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning. A few months ago I started looking into this line of work and have researched the in's and out's since. Everything from equipment, to supplies, to operating expenses , insurances and marketing.

Where I live in West Ky, there is very little competition in this line of work, and from what I have been told by restaurant owners/managers, that the exhaust system is cleaned by companies in Lousiville or Indy...( about 2 hours away). Because of the lack of competition, and actually living in a decent size metro area, including parts of Indiana and Illinois, its really hard to get ahold of many guys in the biz to talk and gain some insight, and maybe some tag-a-long training. Because of this, I have opted to have training at one of the schools that offers hood cleaning. I looked into www.hoodcleaningschool.com, and they seem promising, but I cant for the life of me see what makes this school cost two and a half times more for some simple accounting and business info. I've looked into Phil's training, and I've looked into Fireman LLC in East Tennessee. What do ya'll actually know about any of these schools by personal accounts. I'm leaning toward the Fireman LLC school, not just because of the price, but because this school actually offers a well rounded business plan to offer fire suppression training and hood cleaning. My ultimate goal is to offer fire suppression, as well hood cleaning, with filter exchange as an add on service.

Basically, does anyone know of anyone that went through the Fireman LLC school?

Like I said, I'm just researching right now and gathering info. and trying to decide if the juice is worth the squeeze.

Anything that ya'll can say to help me along would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Go here:
Ant knows all and no gimmicks
Phil Ackland all the way. If you want to get into suppression as well, go straight to the equipmnet manufacturers because they are the ONLY people who can certify you on their equipment. Beware of promises of suppression training, becuase anyone can teach you how to charge a system and hook up it, but you have to have that training certificate to be legal. Just remember there are tons of suppression manufacturers out there and its expensive to get trained, so go after the ones that are most common. Ansul, Rangeguard (Badger), Kitchen Knight (Pyrochem), Amerex, etc.
Keep in mind that Phil Ackland sold his training program and his name. It is no longer connected to Phil Ackland in any way.