Jons computer down

Hey John,

That too!!

Ron thanks for the concern, truth being told I was about to take this computer and throw it out in the street and run it over, I am not kidding, just call and ask Remy if I blew my cool a few days ago with this computer.

Been to the computer store with it 7, count SEVEN times since last Saturday and it still does not work right.

I also have spent over 18 hours so far with Microsoft and they still cannot figure out why their programs are crashing the computer, hey I told them it is Xmas time and Billy boy wants more $$$.

But seriously folks, this has really got them boggeled, I have a completely new hard drive, (2) and a new full version of Windows 98 second edition, a clean install and still the problems are happening, go figure that one out.

All I can say is I am about 65% ready to trash all MS stuff and go buy a Mac computer, they may not offer a lot of programs but I have never heard of anyone having problems with them.

I will say this, if your not running Windows XP DO NOT BUY or INSTALL OUTLOOK 2002, it is truthfully NOT compatible with anything other then XP. I know, that was one of the biggest things that caused my computer to crash and I lost a lot of data, worst of it is my QuickBookPro files, yes all my invoices, customer list and well, the whole 9 yards. Please don't say why did you not back it up, I try but the zip drive well, that is another story.

Lost it all at this time for that matter, Email addresses, personal addresses, websites, you name it I lost it. ( not a happy camper right now)

If I am here one minute and gone the next then Microsoft error message knocked me off again, even in chat but that is not installed yet.
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Glad your up and a kicking,sorry to hear ya lost everything but the old saying shit happens came true to you but I thought you knew how to get anything fixed within a day or two but see you do not,am-e-ter hahahaha.

Haven't been paying attention have you,they or the bbs told ya longtime along to get it wrighten down on paper just in case shit happens = am-e-ter hehe

When you get it back up kicking real good check out "cheetachat" man wow,, it works with yahoo = yel I know you going say dat what happen to your pc but I'm not a am-e-ter b/c I know it takes screwing around with buttons to screw up a pc,stop thinking your a pro in the space age and your pc will run just fine,don't dete and throw away,wright it down on paper yes paper and put it somewhere but not the waste basket........what took you so long cann't you find a good pc place to get to it right away to fix it hmmmmmm am-e-ter.

O yel I'm not doing your bookword for ya man,ifen you want mine address find it,its part of dat hard learning for am-e-ters.
Hey Bigboy all I need do is head towards Arkansas and ask around bout some tall lanky baco chewing guy who takes boat out in lake with no wind thinking he gonna catch dinner.

I am sure most know a guy or two like dat ur way, no prob.

Git it in writing, heard say stuff like dat, got old copy around but not current, oh well, I blame not anyone butt meself here.

I is not e x p e r t but know computer pretty darn well, cept when dis crash as it did, then I need real expert help and that is hard to find.

Keep ur address, I find it sooner or later, at least I think I gots your phone number still, yup just checked but I ain't givin it out.

I have just installed Red Hat-along with StarOffice. Now I have a DOS box, Windows 2000 and now Linux. I like what I see with Linux-however I am still in the "What is this" stage. Look at Linux-It looks and acts like Windows(from time to time).

Am-e-ter.....if I have to take my pc into the shop I do them like they do me or most powerwasher,,can you get to it today if not do you know who can,I need it right away,,if it needs anything put it in don't call me your the pro,I just need it now,fix it or tell me who can,I'm paying

David I am going to look into Red Hat and might try it on the removable hard drive as a test, if I like it then I just might switch over.

What really bugs me is Microsoft, they are suppose to KNOW their own products and yet they are baffled as to why what is happening is happening.

All I ask is for a new computer from them since this new one is now worthless. Face it, new hard drives, new software, new everything and still it happens.

I wonder if the motherboard and bios can harbour viruses? That is about the only thing I can think of it being and not sure if Norton checks for that or not.

Hey I did get my address book and web sites, Email and such back so far.

Little by little I think I will survive if those "rednecks" stop pestering me:)

Ok so I enjoy hearing from them, after all Dan S and Bigboy is country brothers, word has been around the mountain about that.
So if they are country brothers, does that mean that mom is still their sister??