Jonathon Stringer -Fighting For Our Freedom

Jonathon Stringer
A TRP 1-40 CAV ETT Team
TF Yukon
APO, AE 09354

Jonathon is one of our family members that is fighting for our county.
He is married to Ellen and has a newborn named Mikayla.
He is the one that got the webcam I won from PWI and now he using it talk with his family.
Ellen forwards updates from him by email to our family and she said it would be all right to forward them to you guys so you can remember him and others in your prayers.
I will start on this email on them receiving the web cam, I will post from here till it is current.

Thank you, Al and Linda, for the webcam. It is amazing! It was so easy to install and use. I sure hope Jonathon can get a good internet connection when he gets to his base. We saw each other this morning and it was so wonderful. Thank you for giving us the webcam.

It will also be great to use for Mikayla to talk to her grandparents if we move away. Daddy is getting a webcam for his computer.

Thanks again!

With all our love,
Jonathon, Ellen, and Mikayla :)

With all our love,
Ellen and Mikayla :)
Thank you all for your prayers!

Jonathon called me this morning about 1AM to let me know he was alright. Apparently there are some bad things going on where he is that he cannot tell me about and he didn't want me to hear about them and worry. He said some of the guys called home and told their wives things they weren't supposed to tell anyone about and he was afraid I would hear about it and worry.

He did tell me one of the 16 guys he is with was killed Friday. Jonathon was not with him when it happened. I don't know how it happened or who he was because Jonathon can't tell me any details. I know the guy was about to be a first time grandfather. It is really hard for Jonathon and the guys he is with because for two months now those guys have been like family to each other.

Some good news is Jonathon has his own room and a real bed. He can lock the door and everything. He told me to send him some room deodorizers and another set of sheets because he was going to keep his room fresh and smelling good since he didn't have to share it with anyone. Apparently their bunk houses and tents get smelling pretty bad when there are a bunch of guys living together. :)

He said that it is staying pretty cool. At night it can get to 50 degrees and the other day they saw it snowing on a mountain top in the distance. It is nice weather for June but he is a little concerned about winter if it is 50 degrees in June!

He still has not received my letter so I cannot mail him any packages yet. I don't think any mail has been delivered to them in two or so weeks.

Well, I guess that is about all. I hope everyone is doing well.

We love you all,

Ellen and Mikayla :)
I received this email this morning. It is the official release from the NG regarding the recent death of the soldier Jonathon called and told me about. Please pray for his family and the men he served with.

Date: Tue, 23 Jun 2009 22:14:58 -0400
> Subject: 48th member killled in Afghanistan
> please see the email below from LTC Smith concerning the soldier killed SAT.
Although none of them were injured, there were DET 1 members in that convoy,
please keep them in your thoughts has they try to deal with what they went
> Families, Friends, and Leaders of 1st Battalion, 121st Infantry,
> I regret to inform you that 1SG John D. Blair of Alpha Company, 1st
> Battalion, 121st Infantry (Light) was killed in action at approximately 0915
> on Saturday, 20 June 2009 just west of the city of Khowst, Khowst Province,
> Afghanistan. 1SG Blair was the gunner on the lead MRAP (third in the order
> of march) in a joint convoy of seven vehicles (three Afghan and four US). He
> was riding as gunner in an effort to gain better situational awareness and
> understanding of his new operating environment. Shortly after leaving Camp
> Clark and heading east toward Khowst City, the Afghan Army lead elements of
> the convoy came upon what seems to have been an illegal enemy check point.
> The Afghans quickly came under small arms fire from a group of 6-8 enemy.
> After establishing positive identification of the enemy, 1SG Blair began to
> engage them with his M-2, .50 caliber machine gun. After firing
> approximately 70 rounds, the turret he was firing from received a direct hit
> from a rocket propelled grenade. 1SG Blair was killed instantly. There were
> no other US or Afghan casualties during the engagement.. Two enemy were
> killed and one was captured.
> I know I speak for all members of our community when I extend my condolences
> to the entire Blair family and the Soldiers of Alpha Company. Memorial
> services will be held in country at various Task Force locations on Wednesday
> and Thursday 24-25 June 2009. Details on funeral arrangements will be
> disseminated by the Rear Detachment and Family Readiness chains once they
> become available. 1SG Blair is survived by his wife Donna, step daughter
> Georgia (25), and step son Dallas (22).
> Commanders, Please disseminate this information to your FRG's ASAP.
> Very Sincerely,
> Lieutenant Colonel Matt Smith
> TF 1-121
> Commanding
> Thank you,
> Traci Watson
> FRG Chairperson
> DET 1 HHC 48th BSTB
> (478) 213-5036