Jesse Jackson Uses N Word

Apple Roof Cleaning

Roof Cleaning Instructor
You have to give him credit though. He has turned race baiting into a very profitable business. I hope I can grow my business like he has. LoL
Jesse Jackson is a Hypocritical, Racist, Womanizing, Back Stabbing, Lying, Blood Sucking, Holier than thou, Do as I say not as I do, N----r. If he can use the term, thats what he is.

Jackson, Sharpton, Wright, Faracon, just to name a few are all racist.
I watched the national news this morning. First clip they showed was Jesse Jackson pleading with black people around the world not to use words like the N word because it fosters negative images and is disrespectful. The next clip shows him using the same word he asked others not use. How hypocritical is that?
He claims to be a champion of civil rights, yet he only contributes to the problems by stirring the pot where it will do the most harm. He is just unbelievable. And the fact that so many people respect him is mind boggling. I have been following politics and people like Jesse Jackson for 25 years and I can't think of a single thing he has done to honestly improve race relations and civil rights. Can any of you? He's always there to stir things up and get everyone upset to what HE perceives as a wrong, but he is never part of the solution, only the escallation.
I watched the national news this morning. First clip they showed was Jesse Jackson pleading with black people around the world not to use words like the N word because it fosters negative images and is disrespectful. The next clip shows him using the same word he asked others not use. How hypocritical is that?
He claims to be a champion of civil rights, yet he only contributes to the problems by stirring the pot where it will do the most harm. He is just unbelievable. And the fact that so many people respect him is mind boggling. I have been following politics and people like Jesse Jackson for 25 years and I can't think of a single thing he has done to honestly improve race relations and civil rights. Can any of you? He's always there to stir things up and get everyone upset to what HE perceives as a wrong, but he is never part of the solution, only the escallation.
He's NO Tony Blair, thats for sure.
If you will notice, in that clip he says not to use it in a public forum. That will be his out, he will say, "I was talking privately and thought the mike was off." Personally, I think he has increased his irrelevance even more. Never has someone made so much of so little and been so successful at it.

Incidentally, his rise to fame and glory stems from being a body guard to Martin Luther King. When King was murdered, he magically became a Reverand, and tried to take that power, prestige and notoriety that King had fought for for Jacksons personal gain.
I love the fact that they are now African Americans, go ask one black person where in africa there ancestors are from? Pick-up your dam pants and put you hat on right....
If you will notice, in that clip he says not to use it in a public forum. That will be his out, he will say, "I was talking privately and thought the mike was off." Personally, I think he has increased his irrelevance even more. Never has someone made so much of so little and been so successful at it.

Incidentally, his rise to fame and glory stems from being a body guard to Martin Luther King. When King was murdered, he magically became a Reverand, and tried to take that power, prestige and notoriety that King had fought for for Jacksons personal gain.

Yeah, WHAT Church does Jesse Jackson Preach at anyway ?
I love the fact that they are now African Americans, go ask one black person where in africa there ancestors are from? Pick-up your dam pants and put you hat on right....
NOT to be racist, or to imply I support slavery in ANY way.
But they must face the fact that their OWN Brutha's SOLD many of them into Slavery ?
I applaud Obama for telling the NAACP convention that blacks must take MORE responsibility for their condition.
In THIS story, it quotes Jess Jackson as wanting to cut Obama's you know whats off !
My great grandpa was an Italian orphan, left by his Mom on the steps of a Church in Calabria, Italy.
He was raised by Catholic Nuns in Italy, then emigrated to America.
He worked the Coal Mines in Pennsylvania, and raised 16 children.

Great Grandpa didn't pizz and moan because his Mom abandoned him, or we can't trace our "roots"
Jesse Jackson is a Hypocritical, Racist, Womanizing, Back Stabbing, Lying, Blood Sucking, Holier than thou, Do as I say not as I do, N----r. If he can use the term, thats what he is.

Jackson, Sharpton, Wright, Faracon, just to name a few are all racist.

Why don't you tell us how you really feel Michael...:D