Its Crazy!!!!!!! Thanks

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
I started NCE three years ago hoping for 30 people at the first event. I did events with 8 people to 11 people for the first year.

I told a Few people one day it would be large. Its happened......

The most we reached in years past was 51.....PA in 2002...

I Never thought it would have come this Far....

Its late in Charleston and the Registrations over 300.

The hotel is full and its reported by hotel that 120 rooms from the CETA extended there Stay thru thursday. That at least 120 people if not more.

I Knew this day would come with hard work.

I want to thank every person that has made this happen. mostly the contactor brothers who have supported and continue to support the industry.

If tues three people show or 300 the ride was wild. The places we are going in the future seem reachable.

I want the contractors to know that NCE will continue to provide FREE shows always.

Some content will cost!! I want the content to be better, free always doesnt bring the best. Volinteers are great and I'm greatful to all those who supported the industry and gave back. I welcome those who help in the future.

Reality is that if we expect the industry to move forward it takes Dollars.

Dollars that even myself could never carry the weight to make a difference. We need to rally behind a cause that will be prosperous for us all.

Some may say RON's greedy or wants to control the industry.

I'm just sick of the Failure of past and some present leaders.

I have never candy coated things, people may not like what the truth is? We need some leaders who will take this industry to the next level. We need distributors and manufacture to listen to our needs and concerns.

Yeah, us the contractor are really represented by no ONE!!!!!!!

No i'm not starting and org but asking people here and others that read to take action. You may say i dont have time, you may say I'm not person. You may say i dont want to get involved with something thats not going to make me money direct.

Vision is what people in the indutry need. Vision that after 20 more years having a national org it might mean somthing.

Is this a PWNA talk? NO and its not a UAMCC talk either. This is a you talk to get behind something in our industry thats positive.

The NEW SLOGAN for NCE 2011 is " uniting the mobile cleaning industry" even if its one contractor at a time.

I believe that through education this industry can move forward in rapid strides.

In a few days mobile cleaning history will change forever. Some turns will be made, some will not like it and others will prosper from it.

Some will get left behind and others will ride the wave.

Who do you want to be?

Thanks again to all who Support what I try to DO!!!!!!!!