It was 110 deg. yesterday and...

Scott Stone

New member
I just though that I would let you all know that we had our first 110 degree day yesterday. It was nice to finally take off the sweater, and get a little work done for a change.

Scott Stone
Still a chill in the air

106 where I'm at and just starting to break into a sweat when the day is over. 110 is close to a perfect temp for this kind of work!
Your all nuts, do you hear me, CRAZY to love hot weather.

Ok so it is HOT where I live, and I hate it, I would love to be back at the beach, cool ocean air, cool breeze, cool days, 85° would be considered a heat wave.

Nice damp mornings too!

Oh well so I have heat stroke and am dreaming agin! See what heat does to me!

And I did an 8 hour job yesterday in cool weather, only 91°, stopped remembering how many small bottles of water I went though.

What keeps me going when I have to do day jobs, $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Our record was 15 gallons of water for three guys, with an 8 hour day. It was an unusally humid 115 degree day. I think in the open air it was closer to about 130. That was a really warm day, and I could not convince my guys to soak each othe as they were washing.

Scott Stone
"I could not convince my guys to soak each other as they were washing. "

My guys do that just to sober up.

Jon you're welcome to come to Santa Barbara any weekend where the year round ambient temp is 70. Perhaps you'll give me pressure washing tips while we eat good mexican food and watch as the "finer" things in life walk by. I've always wanted to have lunch with a guru.
Lunch with Jon isnot that bad, except for the darn flute and levitation thing that he gets going.

Scott Stone
"Lunch with Jon isnot that bad, except for the darn flute and levitation thing that he gets going. "

Hence the guru tag........

I wonder if gurus eat menudo?
Yesterday morning (Sunday) is was 38 degrees with 33 degree windchill!! This was when I was gettin up about 4am. Got up in the mid 60's during the day.

Dave Olson
Chuck I would be glad to enjoy a nice lunch with you and take in the finer things in life as they walk by, however I don't care for spicy food so could it be something more or should I say less upsetting to my stomach?

you'll give me pressure washining tips. I've always wanted to have lunch with a guru.

Don't flatter yourself Sir, I am not what you say a GURU, I would be the first to admit I do not know it all and compared to you and Scott would still be considered a newbie.

I could probably teach you somethings about cleaning concrete but when it comes to fleet washing that is your forte and of course Scott's. In fact I heard he taught you a few things not all that long ago.

"Lunch with Jon isnot that bad, except for the darn flute and levitation thing that he gets going. "

That is because if I don't hear what your saying I don't answer accordingly, I drift off to another subject, but then my wife would tell you I do that all the time anyway.

So what date is good for you?

"In fact I heard he taught you a few things not all that long ago. "

Nah, it's more like a game of you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours (but I'll admit that lately he's been doing more for me than me for him lol)... I'm always interested in learning something though :)

Any date is good for me since all I do is work!!!!!!!!!
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It cooled down today. It was a brisk 105 today. After a couple of weeks of 110, it does feel a lot cooler.
Chuck, when you go out to lunch with Jon, don't expect him to do too much work. He is an old man with a bad back, you know.

Scott Stone
Scott when you reach my age look back on this post, I will still be younger then you!

Age has nothing to do with work, sure a bad back which I take care of.

I though Chuck wanted me to supervise him as he worked.
temps in the 100's huh
I keep trying to put my jacket away for the summer but have to get it back out the next day, after years of drought it seems to have rained or snowed every other day for 8 months. I think we hit the high 70's once this year, today in the 50's and raining, I don't think it has been above 65 for two weeks.
It was the wettest May on record here in the Southeast. And it seems to be carrying into June. I`m still waiting for 2 days in a row of sunshine, at least thats what it feels like. I`m trying to complete this shopping center about an hour from my house. Everytime I get halfway there, the sky opens up!! Man what a waste of time and gas.