Is there hope in a Democrat world?

Tony Shelton

BS Detector, Esquire
Reading my morning paper (The Drudge Report)

I came across this quote from Ann Coulter. (my political idol, right behind Rush)

Still, as the Inauguration approaches, Coulter is feeling just a bit more positive about the Obama presidency. “Judging by his Cabinet choices, he may not be as crazy as I thought he was," she said. “That may be worse for my career but better for the country. And that’s all right with me.”

Maybe I'll give him a chance for a few months. I'm as conservative as they get and I still am pessimistic about the idea that a liberal can "reach across the aisle" but I'm willing to give it a chance.
Watch and see.....They said conserve on gasoline, reduce our depedence on oil, buy better gas mileage cars, and gas prices fell.....Now they say they want to add another 10% tax on gas cuz its too cheap....Go figure