Is it time for another give away?

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
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Should we have some fun and give something away.

What should it be? what are you guys interested in?
I say it's time to give something else away. How about a hot water skid:D
Give away is alway good. :) If you're going to get something as expensive as a skid, I personally rather have a plane ticket to Arizona and back for two days of training under you and one of two of your crews. Or if it is someone else that is looking to learn Residential or something maybe send them to Russ or someone for a few days? Just a thought. Giving a man a hammer doesn't make him a carpenter, it usually just hurts his thumb more than the nail. :)
Give away is alway good. :) If you're going to get something as expensive as a skid, I personally rather have a plane ticket to Arizona and back for two days of training under you and one of two of your crews. Or if it is someone else that is looking to learn Residential or something maybe send them to Russ or someone for a few days? Just a thought. Giving a man a hammer doesn't make him a carpenter, it usually just hurts his thumb more than the nail. :)

Thats a great idea!
It is kind of odd to me that people are spending more time with a fake prize thread than on a chance to actually get something useful at no cost. Maybe they just sniffed to many chemicals. hahahaha
Imaginary prizes are much more impressive.
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So is the broken camera the prize for "the last post wins"?
Bunn - still chasing things that aren't there??? If the broke camera is the prize I guess Thad was right, it was more impressive when it was imaginary.

Ron - I'd prefer the real prize, send the knowledge and plane tickets my way. The broke camera is all Bunn. :)
So what gives? Is the broke camera the prize or are we still waiting to see who wins the "last post wins" game?

Oh or wait, maybe it is because no one actually answered your question Ron.... So here it goes..... Yes I think it is time for another give away.

Hey maybe if you do the training idea you could take someone to that rundown site you have access to and do one on one training there. Just a thought.