Is it just me?


New member
Maybe I'm overly sensitive but some of the other groups seem to be getting overrun by jerks that just want to tear down every idea. Or worse they start making libelous or cruel remarks about peoples families. There used to be a thing called professional courtesy. Now there just seems to be an overall juvenile smart alec attitude that is about anything but education and improving the industry. OK rant over.
There's no credibility in it especially when they do it anonymously using fake logins.

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And nothing but cowardness. I don't even understand how or why someone would even think to have different logins.
And further, these aren't people who have been banned. These are people who make multiple facebook logins to make their p#ss poor little forums and facebook groups appear to have more than 5 or 6 posters and so they can anonymously attack guys like Ron and Doug.

This is pure cowardice. There's not a drop of testosterone in a room of 5 of these guys.
That's why I tend to stay here and the UAMCC board. Why subject yourself to unneeded crap. Hang around with the kind of people you want to become.