Is it just me . . . .

or does it seem like every one wants a hand out. . .

I use to not pay attention to politics but the more i study business the more i see how these two intertwine. . .

that being said its like every question for the presidential candidates want some type of hand out . .. they wanna stick it to the man or they want something from the man or they want a tax break or they want this or that . .. its really starting to make me sick . . . When the SS question came up i was like they should get rid of it . . the times aren't the same as when it was created and i don't think it is going to work . . .she said well what will people do . . .

I said read a book learn how to invest in the stock market and make your own retirement . . .stop waiting for people to give you a hand out or the gov to help . . . learn how to make your own money

I just pisses me of that every one is so uneducated on things . . . .I think you should have to take a freaking test to vote . . . seriously i bet there are so many people that would not be able to vote it would be funny!

I get up every morning and put my pants on just like Jim the millionaire in NY or LA the difference between me and Joe Blow is that I try to figure out how i can be like Jim instead of complaining and trying to figure out how to get him to pay for my stuff. . .. PEOPLE ARE JUST DAMN LAZY!!!!

Seriously, people need to get their stuff together or they are gonna be the down fall of this country not the Gov.
I agree 100%.

I really love driving down the road seeing nice cars with big rims setting in front of houses that the government is paying for. On top of that the owners are sitting on the porch watching me drive by. My Father never would let me take anything for free, now I see why.
Dj I am with you I worked for every thing I even payed for my first car I payed my father 600 for it but was learning experiance I will never for get I had that car for 4 years I never asked for nothing but you no something I starting to think hell if uncle sam is going to start give stuff away why not try to be like the reach get in line for some of the grants that they are handing out.
I moved out of my parents house, which they rented, when I was 16 because I believed that I could provide for myself better than they could. I was right. I am now 23, and bought a house before either of my parents.

If you actually read our founding documents, our government was founded to protect us from foreign invasion, and national security. Thats it. Nothing else. Anything not delegated to the Federal government is meant to be handled by the states. Our government has stepped way over there rights. Both democrats and republicans.
DJ, Scott, really good posts. I think for being such young guys, you two have a really good head on your shoulders. You need to rub off on others. I was taught the same thing, never take a handout and work hard for what you want to achieve. The sky is the limit and if you want it bad enough, you can get it.
DJ, by the way, check out , that might be some good reading too, didn't know if you had ever heard of it or not.
I've been given everything on a silver platter and I just work for fun. :)
DJ, by the way, check out , that might be some good reading too, didn't know if you had ever heard of it or not.

This is the best idea that will never be put into place. As described by someone the other day, "it would be the largest transfer of power from the Government, to the people, since our independence." Therefore, it will never happen.
This is the best idea that will never be put into place. As described by someone the other day, "it would be the largest transfer of power from the Government, to the people, since our independence." Therefore, it will never happen.

I've been meaning to read Neal Boortz's book on the Fairtax for a while, but then I started reading business books and forgot about it. I listen to his show quite frequently and read his daily news . He's very interesting to listen to and you're right, I doubt the Fairtax will ever happen, but it's a great idea.