

Just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Sam, I am a new member and I am interested in possibly getting involved in the power (or for those who like pressure )washing field. I read some of the other posts I'll stay neutral on this for now.

Any way I have about a thousand questions, but I'll stick to a few good ones for now.
First a comment on the use of this board: This is truly a great tool for everyone I'm sure, but especially new members like me. So I'd like to thank Ron for helping me get set up. That was real easy.

My first question is does any one know where Toronto Canada is, cause thats where I' m from?(just kiding I know you guys know where but do you know how cold it gets?
In regards to that it's just about winter here and I'm somewhat skeptical about getting this thing going for fear of freezing up my equipment and all the other things mentioned in Delco's thread about winter hints.

Second question Is enclosed or open trailer better for my equipment? ( I live in a high rise and keep all my other equipment from my landscape business at a yard) I'm thinking closed is probably better for me.

Also whats best to haul it around with , I'm thinking of getting a 2002 dually just dont know which make?
And finally for now what kind of equipment sould I start out with ? How much sould I spend for equipment, trailer etc...
I would realy appreciate the feedback thks. :confused:
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Sam welcome to the board, ask your 1000 questions 2 at a time and you will have all your answers too!

For you I would suggest closed trailer do to the weather you have in winter up there.

Also regardless of what brand you buy be sure you vent it out though the roof and the engine exhuast either though the floor or roof also.

Have you decided what you want to specialize in or do you plan to do most all pressure washing?

Dually would be great, get a deisel and either Dodge or Ford 1 ton.

IF and this is a big if you have the bucks I would recommend buying the best you can but others will say buy a less expensive machine since you can move up or buy a second for the cost of one of the top ones.

Surface cleaner for sure if you plan on doing flat work, debate as to buying a 28" vs the smaller size, I think they are 19". I have a 28" Whisper Washer and love it but at times need one smaller.

That shall do for me so others can add to your wish list.

Hey Jon

thanks for the info, really appreciate it.

I plan on starting in the Trucks and Heavy Equipment, having a Landscape/ Construction business with my bro. every one and thier brother I know has trucks and Hvy Eqp.

I'll hound them 1st.

I've already lined up two 580 case backhoes and trying to line up a fleet of tractor trailers (bout 13 ) from a guy I known for years.
See, I like to have work lined up before I go out and blow some cash. You know.

Any idea what I should charge for the backhoes and tractor trailers?
Should I go by Hourly or by one charge?
How long should it take me for each?

Theres a nice wack of questions for ya buddy.
Appreciate any feed back from anyone of you pro's
and thanks :confused: