Improve Myrtle Beach next Year

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
So besides giving away 1000's in stuff, what could we do to improve the event?

1. organize better?
2. better food?
3. more speakers , less speakers.

4. What????????????????????

Be frank if you thought room for improvement, be positive about your thoughts but remain pros.

1. To his credit, Guy organized an ad hoc meeting of the Carolina contractors for an informal meet/greet. A good idea to be sure, but a pw'er in northwestern North Carolina doesn't do me much good in southeastern South Carolina. (No offense to those of you in northwestern North Carolina, of course.) How about a more structured meeting of guys within a couple hundred miles of one another to swap leads, suppliers, etc? I frequently see you guys posting about "who works for Taco Hut or McDonnell's", maybe that is a good place to discuss those types of things.
2. Even though the rooms smelled like mildew (not splitting hairs here, I spoke to four guys who said the same thing), I liked the fact that there was a good bar within walking distance. There's nothing worse than being in an unfamiliar town and having to drink and drive or pay for cabs. And hotel bars typically aren't much or fun and close too early. Loved the Boathouse!
3. Ron, you need to spend more time drinking with us at Boathouse next year. We were there every night and never saw you.
4. The pump rebuild by Tracy wasn't helpful to me -- although it was not his fault. There were too many people crowded around the table, and it was a bit rushed since it was at the end of the program. Maybe he could put together a presentation on PowerPoint or CCTV to complement his hands-on demo.
5. The equipment demos were anticlimactic, but the window washing and, in particular, Shelton's demo was helpful.
6. Any way to have multiple, simultaneous programs going on? I have zero interest in hood cleaning, but sat through the program out of respect for the presenter and for the guys that put on the RT. Perhaps another event going on at the same time for the residential cleaners to do while the commercial guy is giving his presentation? That also may be a way to reduce the entire RT from three to two days.
7. More property manager presentations.
8. I think the Keystone Speaker should be a guy discussing what a terrible idea it is to use stencils.
Myrtle Beach 2010!
I think there should be a printed agenda before the event. That way everyone knows what's going on, when it's going on and what to expect.

I wish I'd been able to let you know sooner that I was definetly coming so I could have taken you up on your offer to run one of my favorite seminars.

I hope I get to go alligator hunting again next year and this time I'll bring some of my guns!
I thought that the event was great!

I think it will be hard to top this year's event.

There were plenty of places to eat within a few minutes drive on the other side of the highway and places to get beer also, we made a beer run and brought back a few cases.

We will need a larger place next year, this year there were a lot more people registering than people thought would show up so next year would have to be a larger meeting room.

Different place for food, not crazy about the boat house, it was ok but not crazy about the vinegar smelling and tasting food.

I agree with Scott, the Uamcc presentation should have been prepared instead of calling the members to the front and asking them what they thought and making them go up there with the "deer in the headlights look". hahahahaha You can tell by most of their faces they did not want to be up there but a couple people did a good job. There should have been a presentation, that would have been a lot more professional.

I really enjoyed the pump rebuild, I did not get to see the first few minutes but it was great! Now I am not worried about taking my pump apart and working on it or rebuilding it when I need to. It would be great to have that on dvd or on youtube so you can refer to it when needed and he did have some cool tools for working on the pump.

I am not sure of what else to add to it but there should be new things so people will want to go again and not think about seeing the same thing from last year.

I am sure that other people out there will have some great ideas.