Yes it is hard to believe that a Conservative like ME would want Gun Control, but after what happened yesterday I'm a BELIEVER in GUN CONTROL. Before any of you get on me just hear me out and listen to WHY I think everybody in America needs Gun Control.

I think Yesterday after hearing what happened I had a Change of HEART, it was like BAM it just hit me and I started thinking about it and why if we did not have Great Gun Control things could have been REAL BAD, But I knew it was only a matter of time that we would see it in Action and how well it works and why everybody needs to know that it works.

I'll I can say is GOD BLESS THE US NAVY SEALS SNIPPERS and if it were not for them and their ASSAULT WEAPONS and Their GUN CONTROL they would have never went 3 For 3 and saved the Captain of that ship from Terrorists and Thugs, So Yes I'm for gun Control and Never Having To Say YOUR SORRY to other Countries that can't get it RIGHT :D NOW if we could only get OBAMA to stop saying he is SORRY to the rest of the World for the US being THE GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD and BOWING to Saudi Thugs this Country would be MUCH BETTER OFF.

YES Gun Control Means Hitting Your TARGET Everytime........and Thats Why I'm for it.

Thank You for Your Understanding...........
3 shots, 3 kills...pretty damn good.
"Aim small, miss small"
I was wondering when some yahoo would come out and say we were wrong for killing them. lol. It just happened on Rush Limbaugh!! hahahahaha

Said that us killing them was worse than us taking prisoners and torturing them like George Bush would have done!! hahahaha
Three gunshots. All three fatal. Fired in the dark by three specially trained U.S. Navy SEALs as the pirates' boat rocked in the water off Somalia.
"Phenomenal shots -- 75 feet away," said Navy Vice Adm. Bill Gortney, who oversees the region.
