If you missed it.....

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
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Bill Clinton - "I did not have sexual relations with that woman,.....Ms Lewinski...."

George Bush..."we did not find WMD's."

Clinton killed 3000 by not acting on the first attack on the world trade center because it would hurt him politically. (and personally he didn't give a crap because it didn't promote his career)

Bush acted on inaccurate information provided primarily by the British. But he was man enough to stand up and take the heat afterwards. His actions removed a piece of crap that made the middle east even more unstable and in the process showed the world that we won't put up with attacks on our soil nor will we leave the former subjects of the aforementioned feces to the mercy of nutcases once we have made a commitment. Note the fact that there have been zero attacks in America since then.
I know I am a small minority here because of all the brainwashing that has gone on in the media, but I am saddened by the fact that we don't have a candidate with the guts, determination, and conscience that George Bush has on the ticket.

I've read as many of the biographies of Bush and essays from those who have actually spent time with him as I could get my hands on, and the fact is, most, even liberals, who have been in close contact with him, agree that he is very intelligent and thoughtful in his actions. Only those idiots who know nothing about him on a personal level attack him from all sides.

I'll vote for McCain as the lesser of two evils. He's right about not being George Bush. He doesn't have the character to fill his shoes. While I respect his patriotism, he's become swaying in the wind politician since then.

That's my house in the attachment. (All the liberal attorneys that live on my street love me) :) P.S. Don't diss my poor tree, I'm trying to save it. I couldn't find a Bush/Cheney sign, so this is what I had to settle for.


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