If Obama had a son.......

Tony Shelton

BS Detector, Esquire
This is the "comment of the week" submitted by a Times Reader:

rplusmonger at 6:31 PM May 19, 2012
If Obama has a son, statistically speaking it more likely will be like this guy.

In response to this LA Times story.

By Rene Lynch
May 18, 2012, 1:30 p.m.
You have to say this much for Desmond Hatchett: He has a way with the ladies.

The 33-year-old Knoxville, Tenn., resident has reportedly set a Knox County record for his ability to reproduce. He has 30 children with 11 women. And nine of those children were born in the last three years, after Hatchett -- who is something of a local celebrity -- vowed "I'm done!" in a 2009 TV interview, saying he wouldn't father more children.

But Hatchett is back in the news this week because he's struggling to make ends meet on his minimum-wage job. His inability to make child-support payments on such a meager salary also means he's back in court again and again, most recently to ask for a break on those payments.

"Yes, we've got several cases with Mr. Hatchett," Melissa Gibson, an assistant supervisor with the Knox County child support clerk's office, said with a sigh.

Hatchett's attorney, Keith Pope, did not return phone calls seeking comment.

Under the law, there's nothing officials can do to force Hatchett to keep his pants on.

"If there's something out there like that, I'm unaware of it," Gibson told The Times, before adding, "It definitely needs to be."

Gibson said Hatchett is believed to hold the Knox County record for most children. (He'd hold a similar record in most counties in the U.S., which might explain why news of his predicament was pinging around the Internet on Friday.)

Gibson said she couldn't say whether any of his children receive public assistance. The youngest is a toddler; the oldest is 14. Asked in a TV interview whether he can "keep up with it all," Hatchett said he knows all their names, ages and birthdates.

Also in a TV interview, Hatchett tried to explain -- in a PG-rated way -- how he managed to end up with so many kids: "I had four kids in the same year. Twice."

When Hatchett is working, he is required to turn over 50% of his wages for child support -- the maximum allowed under law. Child support payments are based in part on the ages and needs of the children.

Some of the mothers of Hatchett's children get only $1.49 a month, reportedWREG in Memphis.

link http://www.latimes.com/news/nation/...ssee-man-has-30-kids-20120518,0,4036567.story

Now go back to the top and read the comment. Rotflmao.
Ok, it was tasteless. I get it. But there's more to it than meets the eye.

Obama is the worst deadbeat "dad" ever to walk our shores.

Daily he creates more and more dependents.

As industry and small businesses are choked out of existence by more and more regulations, laws, and taxation, his progeny of the unemployed, underemployed and those who have just given up on the idea of providing for their families, look to their father (obama) for support.

He can't provide for them any more than the guy in this news story can. But he has been very successful at getting a good portion of this country to spread their legs and let him #$%^ us over and over again one at a time and sweet talk us into submission by telling us things we want to hear. (like his latest ad about how great things have been since he was elected)

That's the same way the guy in this story did it.

And they will both walk away from what they have created leaving chaos behind.

When are we going to wake up?