If its not one thing its another


Well last month it was the hail. This month its rain and floods. Tuesday the streets were flooded and now again today. It has dropped 6" in some places over the last 45 mins. Its crazy. Stay dry everyone. No water rationing here. LOL
we're going through the same thing!! Im so backed up with work its crazy. The rain is just never ending
Send some rain my way!
It's raining here also, we were working in Laredo, Texas on Tuesday and they closed the International border crossing there, it was starting to get under water. The Rio Grande was over 30' higher than it has been in decades. 10,000's were evacuated as their homes were filling up with water and later on the next day you could not see the roofs of those homes, all from the hurricane last week dropping rain into the higher elevations and it is all coming downhill now.

Now with the Tropical Disturbance dumping more water there and here, raining for the past few days, it is really getting old. On Monday there was no rain in the morning and there was a flood warning for a large creek close by with no rain at the time, it was really strange.

Now everything around is flooding again.
I know its crazy. This storm popped just over the border around noon. Then 5 hours later its here and it dumped so much rain in a such a short time. Never seen anyting like it. Just like the hail storms from last month and the blizzards back in dec/jan.

They say things comes in 3 maybe its over now
Woke up to another rainy day here. When will it ever stop. I want the heat back. Please come back to Oklahoma. We can handle you. The other states that have never felt the warmth you give are suffering. We need you sun, please come home were you belong.

OK now that I have that off my chest. I feel much better. Goona go look outside and see if it helped LOL