I was wrong Racism is still here.

Tony Shelton

BS Detector, Esquire
What would happen if someone in Bush's administration, when discussing welfare reform, said "I'm concerned that this welfare not go to just to the unemployed black people who won't work."

Someone please explain to me the difference between what Reich said about "white construction workers" and what I just gave as an example with "unemployed black people"? or "unskilled mexicans" or "We're concerned that our tax cuts not just go to "stingy Asians, that won't put it back into the economy"?

Why is everyone else off limits except for whites?

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This is crap.

I am thinking of putting my wife as 51% of my cooperation in stead of 49%. This way we will be a minority owned small business.
It is now after 40+ years of the liberalization (aka socialism) of America where the European descendant Caucasians are being stifled by claims of racism.

At the same time we have government supported and financed organizations such as La Raza, who claim they are not a racist, separatist group.

I am a American, first and foremost, and a Veteran, who still lives by the sworn oath I took over 30 years ago;
.."I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God."

I believe in the Constitution of the United States, as it is the foundation that has made this Country the envy of the world.

That being said, I will never hesitate to fight for the Right to provide for my family, and for my children's future. If that's the new liberal definition of a racist, then call me a racist all you want.
Whats color got to do with jobs. If 80% a skilled labor is white great. If they are out of work put them to work and the other 20% too. When we don't have enough skilled then go to unskilled and give them on the job training , I dont care what color as long as the want it and work hard. some of these people drive me nuts

You know I was thinking earlier today about the left wing. I to all you guys are far left democrat. I am a democrat, so that does put me left of center but I lean towrds the right on many issues.

What i can't understand is how somebody on the LEFT is on the LEFT for everything. I watch Fox & Listen to Rush at times, I watch MSNBC

OK Fox has Hannity I know a lot of you guys love him but he is always right and it just has to be towards the right and the left is wrong no matter what. I dont like that no matter what part of him, same with Rush. Billo on Fox at least he will call a spade a spade left or right, so i can listen to him

Now my piont I have listened and watched MSNBC for years I used to enjoy it, but Oberman (who I used to like and that other one the lesbian Maddow) I cannot stand listening to them anymore

I do agree with some of their views but how can one person views ALWAY be to the extreme far left. I just cant see how you see no fault in some of the far left views, its like they dont have a mind, if its LEFt its alright. Its why I dont like Hannity and its why I can't stand Oberman

Whats wrong with forming your own opinions left, right or middle

Its just like this Reich guy, WTF if a man white or black wants to work its up to that white or black man to apply for that job. Why does he take the far left view that we have to place it in anyones hands and take it from another

I hope sense will prevail and I really hope Obama is smart enough to not go to far left. It will be interesting to see if he is a 4 year or an 8 year President. I wish Bush was only a 4 year prez and if Obama isnt reasonable and in the middle I will help make him a 4 year prez also
This is crap.

I am thinking of putting my wife as 51% of my cooperation in stead of 49%. This way we will be a minority owned small business.
I thaught about doing this from the beginning. Oppurtunities are endless if your not a caucasion male.
Whats color got to do with jobs. If 80% a skilled labor is white great. If they are out of work put them to work and the other 20% too. When we don't have enough skilled then go to unskilled and give them on the job training , I dont care what color as long as the want it and work hard. some of these people drive me nuts

You know I was thinking earlier today about the left wing. I to all you guys are far left democrat. I am a democrat, so that does put me left of center but I lean towrds the right on many issues.

What i can't understand is how somebody on the LEFT is on the LEFT for everything. I watch Fox & Listen to Rush at times, I watch MSNBC

OK Fox has Hannity I know a lot of you guys love him but he is always right and it just has to be towards the right and the left is wrong no matter what. I dont like that no matter what part of him, same with Rush. Billo on Fox at least he will call a spade a spade left or right, so i can listen to him

Now my piont I have listened and watched MSNBC for years I used to enjoy it, but Oberman (who I used to like and that other one the lesbian Maddow) I cannot stand listening to them anymore

I do agree with some of their views but how can one person views ALWAY be to the extreme far left. I just cant see how you see no fault in some of the far left views, its like they dont have a mind, if its LEFt its alright. Its why I dont like Hannity and its why I can't stand Oberman

Whats wrong with forming your own opinions left, right or middle

Its just like this Reich guy, WTF if a man white or black wants to work its up to that white or black man to apply for that job. Why does he take the far left view that we have to place it in anyones hands and take it from another

I hope sense will prevail and I really hope Obama is smart enough to not go to far left. It will be interesting to see if he is a 4 year or an 8 year President. I wish Bush was only a 4 year prez and if Obama isnt reasonable and in the middle I will help make him a 4 year prez also

The messiah says you can't listen to Rush, so don't do it.:p

This is just the beginning. The liberal elite feels guilty for being white (i.e. the liberal media) It's time for us to pay. :mad:
Jeff you are Right about MSN, WOW they are off the chart LOL I can't and won't support that news channel at all.

I have many friends on the Dem side, but they are more Conservative or middle of the road. I don't think I'm far right but I do lean more right then middle on most issues. It does not matter if you Rep or Dem it is just that the Democrat Party left me years ago with all the things they support that are just CRAZY, they have been taken over by these Groups, but thats just me I guess.

But I pray that what we are seeing done right now and he has only been in office a week is not going to get any worse. Nancy and Obama both said WE WON, so they think that gives them the right so shove anything they want down us and well thats not right, last time I looked 46% of the people did not vote for him and I say that is almost half this country.

This Bailout they are doing is CRAZY I mean they are giving 300 Million to Planned Parenthood ? How the hell is that going to create 1 Job and Endowment for the ARTS? the Fleecing is on it's way and they seem to not care about who pays for it. We are ALL and I mean ALL in Trouble with they out of control GOVERNMENT and thats everybody that pays tax's no matter what party you voted for.

The Worse part is if you are White, YOUR BAD, Just like what was said at the Benediction given at Obamas swearing in, if that was not out of LINE and RACIST Nothing is.

GOD HELP US ALL both Dems & Rep ...........
The messiah says you can't listen to Rush, so don't do it.:p

This is just the beginning. The liberal elite feels guilty for being white (i.e. the liberal media) It's time for us to pay. :mad:

There was year of conservative elite, they helped us get in this mess. whether its far right or far left, it sucks. I am hoping Obama will fight off both far sides.

I dont like a lot I am hearing about the stimulas package. I just hope its a bargaining chip and goes more to the center and get rid of the pork. Before I condem the whole presidency like most on here are I am going to see what happens and I will continue to email my reps & Whitehouse


Call this one messiah the last one we called him the compassionate conservative cowboy. Its all just silly name calling. Maybe we should of just elected Hillary
I thaught about doing this from the beginning. Oppurtunities are endless if your not a caucasion male.

We already did this for exactly the reasons expressed in this thread. As a Woman owned business there are dollars set aside to hire our company over others in our area that are owned by men. It's a tactic that I don't necessarily like using, but it gives us a compititive edge. And we are eligible for grants and other funding that male owned businesses are not.