I truly started this BBS for everyone,

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
I truly started this BBS for everyone,

I need to step down in a few months, I will be starting some other ventures and this BBS has been fun. I will always remain the source for money. (As long as I’m able) ( I will probably Post more)LOL

I really never wanted to start a BBS in the first place I was happy posting on Dans BB & delco’s and even Daves. Baseball season in coming and my kids need me. I also have a lot of other things on my plate.

I will release control of the BBS in a few weeks and declare a new administrator. I will step down and let the new guy take the BBS into the New Year. Now who wants the position? I would like to know who would be willing to take the responsibility that all you guys follow the traditions that I have made.

1. Never charge members a fee.
2. Always let distributors advertise on the BB in the proper forums.
3. never ask for donations from members(distributors Maybe)
4. Never allow anyone to be persecuted on this BBS.
5. Keep it a place where you would be proud to have your mother or children look.
6. Never fear your competition or new BEES.
7. Never require membership in order to view the BBS.
8. always display IP’s
9. Always require a real address & Location.

I’m sure I will ad more to the list later, for now that’s all I have.

The only qualification for administrator will require you be a moderator first. The person who accepts my offer will only stay in administrative position for 1 yr. then they will appoint the next person based on leadership and duties through out there term.

See this is truly the freedom BBS, this is the only true contractor BBS online.

I will still market the BBS for a few years, I have committed to running blastmaster ads. I will still direct mail potential members to join.

I really want contractor to start marketing and promoting the board for everyone’s benefit. I realize that few of us know and understand the vision related by educating the industry and some fear the knowledge.

Please no one feel that I’m abandoning you, I just need to move on. When I started this BBS I knew I would leave and take a back seat when the time was right.

I have new BBS coming soon, nothing related in this field. Actually it will be four BBS and will belong to this network. But will be run by different people from those industries.

I salute the men & women that in such a sort time that have made this the best BBS on pressure washing in the industry. (EVEN THE two brothers Bigboy & Scotty……)

It’s been Fun and it will be nice to sit back and watch for awhile. (Let someone else get picked on) LOL

If the person who steps up must first be a Moderator is there a time frame for being a Moderator?

In other words one who just became one vs. one who has been here for several month or from the start.

Now once you have that answer why not gather all the names and put them in the Moderators forum for a vote.

A poll if you wish and if you can have that many names, depending on how many raise their hand saying they want it.

Reason for allowing all the others to vote would be to make the chance more equal rather then you personally picking your replacement.

Or if you know already know who you want why not just turn it over to that person? I have pretty good idea who it will be anyway, if he takes it that is.

Another item to add to your list, whomever becomes the Adminstrator cannot just remove Moderators, it would have to be put to vote that he/she wishes to remove someone and a reason stated.

If a Moderator wishes to resign that is another thing, then it is simply asking to be removed.

How about a limit on how many Moderators per forum or total on the board at any given time? This is a question only.

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They are alot of good people on the board that would be able to run it ok.

O K Mr. Scott Stone time to stand on the stump and hallower back at me,I vote for you in being head cheese,show me how good you are.I'll help plant the seeds and watch it grow if you'll carry the watering can,I'm not the type to stand on a stump.

Ron,best of luck to what ever it is your up to,lol,j/k.

It's been great to butt heads with you,it just goes to show ya anybody can get along with each other if both are willing to work together and see both sides of the story.
More important you proved your point instead of just standing back and watching,,,good luck.
I hate to see you go. I thought you did a great job running this site. I have an Idea who you might ask. Hopefully whoever it is can put in the time like you did. I know I could never do it.

What are you planning to do? I have to add I'm actually disapointed that you are going to hang it up. But who can blame you. This can be all time consuming. You put in alot of energy to get this bb off the ground.

This bb will not be the same without you. I will be interested to know who your successor will be. I cant even guarantee I will remained with this bb in the future. I guess there is a time we all move on. I will continue powerwashing of course but I do spend alot of time going from bb to bb in this field. There may come a day to just be loyal to one to help it grow and leave it at that.

I was hoping that this bb would be the one. And maybe it will. I guess only time will tell.

Either way keep us posted on your future endeavors which I know will be interesting.

Hmmmmm I wonder what your up to?

Add to the list if I missed ya.

(3)=Scott S.
(6)=Dan S.
(7)=Larry H.
(8)=Russell C.
(9)=Dave O.
(10)=David S.
(11)=clean county
(13)=Tim Mcculla
(15)=Ron Strickland
(16)=Andrew P.
(21)=Shawn C.

How should we start the voting,lets move on.
Bigboy I think I might have been misunderstood on that list.

Try it this way, of all those that do want to run the board put their names on a list and let us vote for one of them.

I am sorry if some felt I meant all of the Moderators. I am sure some are not interested, you said you are not one to step up on a stump and shout, I respect you for that too. Now if that stump was in the middle of a stream with fish all around it I bet you would jump up on it!

Sure it would be nice to have that position but I am not going to go for it and would refuse it if offered so you can take my name off your list.

I have never met someone more misunderstood on a regular basis than you, my friend.

I think that Ron should be able to hand pick his successor. (not that my opinion truly matters in this forum)......but, I think that this decision is the one thing that shouldnt be subjected to the famous PWI vote. Nowhere in Ron's original post is the word "vote" used.......I believe he said "declare".
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I'm not sure how the BBS will be run in the future. I do know that whom ever it is better read the Guidelines and respect the way the BBS has been run.

No vote on replacing administrator. Moderators take care of the Membership not the administrative functions. The administrative person needs to be someone computer literate. Also someone is willing to take the job and want it. Also he or she needs to know that in one year they will need to select a predecessor to their position.

Remember the administrator does not involve himself or herself with the running of the membership. They in force the rules and administrate the BBS software not the members.

Down the road after the BBS is mature maybe the moderators can select the next administrator by vote. Right now as new as the BBS is we need to nurture her along. Having someone fresh and having some new ideas will help the BBS as a whole.
I understand where Ron is coming from, and I don't think that he is going to check out entirely, I think that it is more of a step aside role, if nothing else. That will keep it from being Ron's BBS. I read it the same way that Mike did, That the administrator would appoint someone to do the job. It is actually a good way for Ron to keep the BBS headed in the right direction. I know that there are a few would send it off into left field, and I think that would be harmful to the board, etc.
I also understand some of the other things that he has going. The darn fool is in business to make money, and if he is like me,so that his kids won't have to do this for a living.
Thanks for your vote Bigboy, I promise a chicken in every pot, and more work than you can handle.
( What is that, about 20 trucks a week for you ;) )

Gee Mike would you please not disclose our Doctor/paitent things to the public!!

Mike at times I do read into things more then I should and I do get in trouble for that too, not sure if I enjoy it or not but I do know I don't slander people. (no you did not say I do, but I was accused of it this week).

Scott I did not know Bigboy did chicken trucks in his neck of the woods, I thought it was more like pig hualers and cattle trucks, hmm.

Yes Ron is in business like the rest of us to make money so he and his family can have a better life then we did.
haha yel,if I can wash some of the 20 every two weeks.
Sometimes Ron's first thoughts is to "declare" something until someones turns the light on,not saying he's seeing in the dark but rather tossing it in to see what comes up.((we need to nurture "her" Down the road)) "No vote on replacing administrator." "Moderators take care of the Membership." "administrator,They in force the rules."

Sometimes when you don't like working with someone you find another job,care should be taken as who you chose to nurture the bbs.

""Also he or she needs to know that in one year they will need to select a predecessor to their position."",,could this be Zippo,,remember we'll have no say so who,,if we can vote then why not start it that way now as to vote who,Ron can pick the ones we vote on and "declare" a winner.

("I will be interested to know who your successor will be. I cant even guarantee I will remained with this bb in the future.")...again care should be taken who as this came though a post.

So for Beth is the only one that said she'd help the successor nurture it.


Your a hoot, tell it like it is. Thats why we get along sometimes and sometimes we dont.

I will choose this adminstrator and i quess He or she will decide what they want.

After i'm gone you guys run the membership. i will be one vote out of 27.
So Ron is going from adminstrator to moderator. He said in the above post that he would have one of the 27 votes. That makes him a moderator.

He's heading downwards into our position. lol

Who's going to be the new boss? King Arthur or Zippo. lol. I would like to see a certain lady take the helm because she has all the qualifications but also a very full plate. THis will be interesting.

well i think i will ask just one person. i do like the idea of having more than one person. i believe that the person i choose should pick there own staff.

being the adminstrator has some perks, you can start new forums.

I will be starting two new forums before i leave. they will be a surprize!!!!
will I thought you'd get me more than dat "hoot",guess it didn't ruff the feathers enough,lol
O K try this one.

What you waiting on some candy or what go ahead and get out of here,want somebody hold your hand,we can do without a head cheese like most good employee's,go on get.,lol.

O K so you already know who your going to pick,why you holding the name back :tossing" huh....did a light come on,huh,to late huh.

surprize!!!! hahahaha I've been though so many of them that nothing could surprize me more than dogs having cat tails.

You can back out if you want to you know,its not to late.

Do you need a bigger push to get you going,is it that scarely.
If the timing is right jump with both feet and see whats on the other side...

Good Luck Ron and if you need another "hoot" or a "boot",call or e-mail me...again Good Luck.
