I Need Advice

hey ron,

...about two minutes on my new dell laptop, celeron proc. and 56k modem.

site looks great, didn't go through all the bubbles but cover is very nice. One question.....do you want your customers to have access to the BB?? Seems like it could help them to shop around on you. Just my thoughts, like to hear yours.

best regards,

jon fife
Hey Ron it only took about 2 seconds but i am using the cable modem much faster than 56K MUCH FASTER! Looks pretty good though I agree though you may want to reconsider BB link for the same reason Jon stated.

Andrew/Safe Clean:cool:
Took only 2 seconds with compuserve.com. The only thing I could not centerize the screen. It is too far over to the right could not read part of it. There was no arrow to move it to the left or right at the bottom. Hope this helps. Anna
Hello Ron,

Twenty five seconds to load. 56K modem, right now showing 45333 bps. Telephone line to a local ISP.

Dave Olson

Snap your finger and it was up using DSL, as for Dan S. don't listen to him, reason it took so long about his running water is he hand pumps it to the bucket from the well then carries it to the house!

Dan your not having computer problems again are you?
checked it out

Lets see how do I put this

How fast can you blink?

That was quick. cool sight. Is that you holding the wand?

Ha ha.
I'd like to see the rest of it when it's done

L8R Ron