I have to stay away from Tonys Threads

Wasted 4 hours looking at Video of Cops beating people the other night. To much Negativity, I'm going to be one of those people who choose to ignore this for now. Know I'm ready when we want to stop talking about it.

Would you want to ignore it if it was hours and hours of video of kindergarten teachers raping little kids?

Or would you use your every spare breath to demand justice?

Maybe we could say it's the kids fault, they are asking for it anyway. Right? Have you seen TODDLERS AND TIARAS lately?

I guess minority adults have less worth than children.

Just trying to put it in perspective.

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Posting here isn't going to do anything, we as people need to act.
Would you want to ignore it if it was hours and hours of video of kindergarten teachers raping little kids?

Or would you use your every spare breath to demand justice?

Maybe we could say it's the kids fault, they are asking for it anyway. Right? Have you seen TODDLERS AND TIARAS lately?

I guess minority adults have less worth than children.

Just trying to put it in perspective.

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Again its not the Police that are the problem, they are just people like you an us. At the days end they are not going to turn on there own. I do not think our military would either. I see us just like Russia laying it all down soon, sooner than later. I don't think we all realize how bad it is.
Tony is a walking book.. When I need to read something on the night that flares peoples emotions....Hello Tooooonnnnyyy.
Ah much better picture. But your right Ron..Talk is cheap..and so is to much typing about it...but Tony is interesting.


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There is only a small percentage of people who are of a criminal nature enough to actively go out and physically harm another person or steal from them at gunpoint.

And a good percentage of them have found out that the safest way to do things like that is to go through an academy and get paid $150k per year to do it.