I couldn't beleive what I was reading.

The Cleaner

Vetran Washer 30 Years Plus
Holy crap!! Those poor people
BoA has to be one of the worst for doing anything and eveything wrong.I'm sure they will try to weazle out of paying the millions they should for the heartache and stress they have caused these people.
I think as part of the settlement the judge should force the CEO and anyone else at BoA who were involved to stand in line while this couple takes turns kickinig them in the crotch while wearing steel toed boots.
Wow, that is just amazing that they could screw up that bad.
BOA Sucks! I feel for these people. How hard is it to get the right house. I find the right one everyday when I go to do a job. It's not that tough. On a side note: They look like they need their Roof Cleaned. Do I contact BOA or Charlie and Maria Cardoso? :scratchhead:
Bank Of America is run by Satan and is staffed by idiots.
We have a house in NC and EVRY year the send a notice that we don't have flood insurance and EVRY year we send them the proof we do and EVERY year the don't get it and assign flood insurance to the loan.
We then have to call a number in PA and speak to a supervisor who supposedly straightens it out. and we still have to fax the proof to their corprate office in GA...

we bailed them out too....
God help the person who tries to get into my house and clean it out because someone I don't have a mortgage through tries to foreclose. I would take off work and sit on the front porch with a shotgun and a smile. I'm glad I live out in the country.