Hydrotek filter system ???



Does anyone have a AZV system? If you own one or have owned one plese share the pros and cons? and do you recommend one. Distributors please chime as well. I will be looking to do flat work with it. My concerns are how often and how much down time there is due to clean out? Also how good is suction at 200-250 ft.
I think Ameritech carries that one?
My concerns are how often and how much down time there is due to clean out?

Filters are going to get dirty according to the load they're working with. You may need to change once per every other job, or change twice on one job. The large stuff and the oils are taken care of in the hopper. I recommend keeping a set or two on hand. They're a little pricey to buy, but you can wash them and reuse them for a long time.

Changing out filters shouldn't take more than 2 minutes.

Also how good is suction at 200-250 ft.

It will only do up to 100'.