Hydraulic pump

Tony Shelton

BS Detector, Esquire
Well, once again the wife shows me up on wisdom. I've got a 24volt hydraulic pump motor on my lift that's screeching like a muffled cat and came home today looking all over the internet for a replacement and came up with everything from $120 to $1400 and don't know what the difference is.

So Shelly says, "Too bad you don't have a lift guru like your pressure washing guru Russ so you can call them up and ask them what to do". DING DING DING!

Russ, do you know anything about 24 volt pumps. Can it be rebuilt? Can I do it? Can a motor rebuild shop do it? Why is one $120 and another $1400? Is the ($1400 one a landa?:ignore:)

Here's the data plate:

Sometimes in Hydraulic systems when you hear that noise it is cavitation but when the reservoir is full then the trash screen or filter could be clogged.

Not sure where the filter is but you can find it if there is one, the screen is usually in the reservoir tank at the outlet to the pump.

If you find the filter, I would change that first and see what happens.

Good luck.
What they said. Check the fluid, check the filter. It is likely screaming due to low fluid. Think of your cars power streering when it runs low on fluid.
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Did you try these folks? supposedly a distributor?
Thanks Danny. Too late though. The Bil-jax people had only two in stock and then thought it was made of gold. I'm going to look for an alternative once this one gets replaced but for now I already ordered one from a distributor in Ohio the manufacturer told me "might" have one in stock. They did, only ONE and I got it. A little over $500.

That's ok though, we just got this lift paid off and planned to spend a few thousand over the next month getting it in tip top shape anyway. Already painted it with white, blue and black reflective signage going on in a week or two and I'm going to add and additional pack of 4 batteries and a generator for those long days. This was just an unexpected blip.
Got the motor in the mail today and installed it in about 30 minutes. Would have been 15 but it slipped off the windings and I had to work it back on past the brushes. No more noise, no more burning smell and the casing isn't even warm. Just in time too we've got 21 large office buildings this weekend scheduled and have to use the lift on all of them. We limped along all week but I don't think that old motor would have made it through Saturday.

Whew! Thank the Lord! Right on time!
Very cool. I bet there is a harbor freight replacement, if you look.