Chris from Apple had one for sell once, maybe he can give you some info. They're somewhat costly I believe.
VERY expensive pumps !!!
They can be built to YOUR specs, and you need to know what YOU are doing to have them made properly.
EVERYTHING must be speced, and I mean Everything, right down to the head bolts, LOL
WHEN built properly, they are an awesome pump, that can easily set you back 2 grand.
Talk to me Spencer, what are you trying to do ?
Perhaps I can suggest a lower cost alternative.
'BUT, if COST is no object, they are about the ultimate pump.
What I DON'T like is all parts are NOT stocked!!
Thus, when they DO break, and they will, you cn be down weeks/months.
I know you clean other stuff Spencer, is that what you are thinking >
Like maybe a chemical pump for roofs/carpets, etc ??
Let me know what your needs are Big Guy, and what chemicals you wish to run, and at what flow rates, etc, and I will help you