Huckabee & Obama


JL Pressure Washing
Whats in a name. Couple not so common names. What do you all think? I think they both gave good winning speaches after their win.

Im not sure Huckabee will last, he pulled in the born again vote, but not much others and the turnout wasnt great for Republicans in a usually Republican state, Bush carried it in the past. Obama pulled in the Democrats, well over a 100% increase in dems voting. He got support from all factions, young vote, women and the big one independents.

It should be an interesting year.

We need change
The democratic turn out was the best ever.
This means Blacks voted, and who do you think they voted for, Oprah Winfrey ?
Huck A Bible's message will not play well outside the Midwest, and people will soon tire of the weight watchers preacher.
But we can always have him sell Subway for us ?
Shoot, with all the weight the fat boy lost, he can replace Jared in Subway Commercials ;)
I dont see either one of them in it ifor the long haul. I think that with the exception of Ron Paul, Alan Keyes and Kucinich, they are the most extreme people running from each party. I am pretty confident that they will wash out.
So who does that leave us with? Billary Clitton? God Help America !!
The democratic turn out was the best ever.
This means Blacks voted, and who do you think they voted for, Oprah Winfrey ?
Huck A Bible's message will not play well outside the Midwest, and people will soon tire of the weight watchers preacher.
But we can always have him sell Subway for us ?
Shoot, with all the weight the fat boy lost, he can replace Jared in Subway Commercials ;)

Iowa doesnt hardly have any blacks, theres less than 4% in the Iowa population

Huckabee I dont think will last, but when put up against Clinton Machine I think Obama may. People dont like Clinton, they seem to like Obama after they hear him talk. Obamas speach was up there with a RFK or MLK speach I thought,but I was expecting to hear gun shots ring out sooner or later.

Romney flip flops way more than Kerry ever did, McCain, I just think his time has past, he's to old, Rudy, they are going to pull out to many skelitons from his closet, conservititves wont like his values. Fred, I think he doesnt like campaigning and seems lazy, you have to campaign if you want to win

I have no one that I want to vote for. I wish for change, lobbyist out and the American people in, I just dont know if we will ever see it
Oprah Winfrey will turn out the Black Vote for Obama.
Hey, think about this ?
Maybe the Muslims will leave us alone with a Muslim Named President, LOL
"Barracks Pajama", I mean Barrack Obama, will slam ya :eek:
So who does that leave us with? Billary Clitton? God Help America !!

that is a scary thought isn't it? :eek:

However, I think you guys are giving Billary way too much credit. She came in 3rd place for goodness sake. People don't like her, she is no where near qualified and she would make a horrible president...period.

I do think Huckabee will be in it for the long haul though. His message resonates with conservative people like myself. Last time I paid attention to the polls, over 50% of this country was conservative. We (conservatives) all wish that Bush would have governed more conservatively instead of trying to "get along" with liberals and their crappy ideas for our country. Conservatism works everytime it's tried.

It's kinda funny Chris (Apple) that you say that nobody wants to hear the Bible thumping from candidates, but notice how Obama bin Laden uses the Bible when it's convenient for him. Billary and most of the other candidates too.
that is a scary thought isn't it? :eek:

However, I think you guys are giving Billary way too much credit. She came in 3rd place for goodness sake. People don't like her, she is no where near qualified and she would make a horrible president...period.

I do think Huckabee will be in it for the long haul though. His message resonates with conservative people like myself. Last time I paid attention to the polls, over 50% of this country was conservative. We (conservatives) all wish that Bush would have governed more conservatively instead of trying to "get along" with liberals and their crappy ideas for our country. Conservatism works everytime it's tried.

It's kinda funny Chris (Apple) that you say that nobody wants to hear the Bible thumping from candidates, but notice how Obama bin Laden uses the Bible when it's convenient for him. Billary and most of the other candidates too.

There isn't much to vote for

Only republicans can carry bibles?

Ant, now you are going to blame the Dems for Bush being a screw up. He's the one that was a spend spend and more spend kind of guy. He never even thought of a veto when the republican congress was filling bills with pork. He was the one that wanted nation building, he was the one who added more corporate welfare, cut law enforcement etc etc Bush lied to Conservatives, please give me a break about blaming it on the Dem's, it was Republican Prez and a Republican Congress. When will the republicans stop blaming others for what they did. Republicans believe in less or no regulating of things, well the mortgage crisis is part to blame on Bush & Rep congress and it is going to probably put us into some degree of recession. They saw that Mortgage companies and some banks were doing RISKY loans, but they let it go, to pump up the #'s of the economy, instead of putting some regulations on the lenders, but now that its to late they are adding regulations. Corporations in many cases need regulations, you just cant trust or keep corporate greed in check. Give tax breaks to the rich, so it will create more jobs, WHERE are those good paying blue collar jobs? Wages around here actually went down for many trades/laboring type jobs, cant blame that on Bush it was because of the influx of illegals taking jobs, oh thats right Bush is the President that over saw the largest influx of Illegals into our country in history, thats right Bush is tough on security, except when you see hundreds just run right through the border stops (its only Mexicans I would think a terrorist would be in the group). Thats right Mexican truckers on our highways now, not paying any taxes Hell tax breaks at War Time, Bush is the 1st president to do that,

Bush said his tax cuts are what fueled the economy, what is he saying is causing the down turn/recession........Oh ya blame it on the Dems.....Just having some fun Ant, haven't gone off on YOUR president in a while:D Your right conservitism really works every time, except this time LOL

As for half the country being Conservative, I think theres maybe 50% give or take that are Republicans, but not all of them are what you could call Conservatives. Believe it or not all Dem's are far left nuts........really!

We all live in a country that needs to find common good in each not tear each other apart one side or the other cant have everything they want and it will just never happen why cant people figure that out and work together more. The division in our country is hurting our country

Oh well
Anybody but Clinton. think about it, more then 20 years already of either bush or clinton. Hussian wasn't in power that long.(or maybe he was?)

Anyways, Huck is more moderate then most think. Mitt is just a Fake Puppet!
Obama, was raise as a musulium, until he decided to go in to politics, where he then joined the christian church. (can you say sleeper?)

Thats my .02, then again, i'm nuts!
Congress always has set the federal budget. The constitution says so. Since congress is democrat, guess what???
Congress always has set the federal budget. The constitution says so. Since congress is democrat, guess what???

Oh come on Scott it was a Republican congress up to a year ago, FACT. Plus Bush had veto power which he never used ONCE when the congress and the white house was Republican. The Republican spent on pork like crazy,Thats an undisputable fact.

Whether a Republican or a Democrat gets in in 2008 I am just glad Bush will be out. I just dont think he was a good President and was to detached from the real world. Even the conservitives feel he screwed them

They (Bush, Chenney & Rumsfeld) told us the war would cost Americans 10 Billion Dollars and then Iraq oil would pay for the rest. OOPS WRONG AGAIN. Hell it took them 5 years to figure out that we needed a surge in troops, thats just blind managing of the war. You know how many American Troops lives could have been saved if Bush just had listened to McCain and sent more troops? Dont blame the 5 year wait for more troops on the Dems either, Bush OVER & OVER told us there was enough troops there WRONG! Plus although many Dems in congress dont want all the troops there, they still fund them every single time

Man I was staying out of these political debates pretty good. I guess i fell off the wagon. Maybe I'll go get help with Britney Spears;)
There isn't much to vote for

Only republicans can carry bibles?

Ant, now you are going to blame the Dems for Bush being a screw up. He's the one that was a spend spend and more spend kind of guy. He never even thought of a veto when the republican congress was filling bills with pork. He was the one that wanted nation building, he was the one who added more corporate welfare, cut law enforcement etc etc Bush lied to Conservatives, please give me a break about blaming it on the Dem's, it was Republican Prez and a Republican Congress. When will the republicans stop blaming others for what they did. Republicans believe in less or no regulating of things, well the mortgage crisis is part to blame on Bush & Rep congress and it is going to probably put us into some degree of recession. They saw that Mortgage companies and some banks were doing RISKY loans, but they let it go, to pump up the #'s of the economy, instead of putting some regulations on the lenders, but now that its to late they are adding regulations. Corporations in many cases need regulations, you just cant trust or keep corporate greed in check. Give tax breaks to the rich, so it will create more jobs, WHERE are those good paying blue collar jobs? Wages around here actually went down for many trades/laboring type jobs, cant blame that on Bush it was because of the influx of illegals taking jobs, oh thats right Bush is the President that over saw the largest influx of Illegals into our country in history, thats right Bush is tough on security, except when you see hundreds just run right through the border stops (its only Mexicans I would think a terrorist would be in the group). Thats right Mexican truckers on our highways now, not paying any taxes Hell tax breaks at War Time, Bush is the 1st president to do that,

Bush said his tax cuts are what fueled the economy, what is he saying is causing the down turn/recession........Oh ya blame it on the Dems.....Just having some fun Ant, haven't gone off on YOUR president in a while:D Your right conservitism really works every time, except this time LOL

As for half the country being Conservative, I think theres maybe 50% give or take that are Republicans, but not all of them are what you could call Conservatives. Believe it or not all Dem's are far left nuts........really!

We all live in a country that needs to find common good in each not tear each other apart one side or the other cant have everything they want and it will just never happen why cant people figure that out and work together more. The division in our country is hurting our country

Oh well

Hey Jeff...I didn't blame anything on dems, as a matter of fact, I said that we conservatives wish Bush would have governed more conservatively. Read my post again brutha, you missed my point. Those (bad) things that you mention are mostly liberal ideals, they are not conservative. Tax breaks are conservative and look what happen to the economy when we got tax breaks. It pulled out of the recession that was starting at the end of the Clinton presidency. Spending money isn't conservative, not protecting our border isn't conservative. I wish he WOULD have been more conservative.

50% conservative americans? Think about how you run your household dude, I garantee that you are far more conservative than you are liberal when it comes to your own family and ways of doing things with your business and in your home. I know I am. Most of my friends are too even though they vote dem most of the time, they live like conservatives.
Hey Jeff...I didn't blame anything on dems, as a matter of fact, I said that we conservatives wish Bush would have governed more conservatively. Read my post again brutha, you missed my point. Those (bad) things that you mention are mostly liberal ideals, they are not conservative. Tax breaks are conservative and look what happen to the economy when we got tax breaks. It pulled out of the recession that was starting at the end of the Clinton presidency. Spending money isn't conservative, not protecting our border isn't conservative. I wish he WOULD have been more conservative.

50% conservative Americans? Think about how you run your household dude, I guarantee that you are far more conservative than you are liberal when it comes to your own family and ways of doing things with your business and in your home. I know I am. Most of my friends are too even though they vote dem most of the time, they live like conservatives.

Well you actually did blame some of it on the Dems , when you said " get along" Bush very rarely tried to get along with the dems.

Hell put me in as President I can give tax cuts too, whats he care if the deficit keeps going up. Part of being President is asking all to sacrifice at time of need. He had to fund the war in Iraq and he gives tax cuts, he didn't ask any one (EXCEPT THE Military ) to sacrifice anything. WHY because he cared more about getting elected and he didn't care about the deficit. I cant seem to get it through to you Republicans he SPENT MORE than any Democratic administration has ever and a lot of it was on BS, bridges to no where in Alaska, huge corporate farms he gave subsidy's(Welfare). There was so much corporate greed during his admin, because they knew they could get away with anything.

You say spending money isn't Conservative, BUT THATS WHAT your Conservative President & Republican congress did. Plain & simple and it was PROCLAIMED that GW & a Republican congress was Conservative. Its BS and many can candy coat it all they want, but for 7+ years they robbed us and and brought up the deficit without asking anyone to sacrifice but the middle class

Don't talk about immigration , BUSH >>>>>>>>>> wanted to give amnesty to them all until the American people said wait a minute. The dems in congress most suck on immigration, but BUSH is just as bad or WORSE. The largest influx has been the past 7 years and Bush wanted them in, hell he tried and tried until some finally knocked him back

All I'm saying Ant is the system is corrupt, you are a smart guy with a lot of conviction, cant you see it man. Maybe the Dems will rob the house if they get in, but we already know the Republicans already had a chance to make a difference and change things and all they did was rob us and tell us what to do morally, while they did the opposite in many of there personal lives

I want change. We are not building a better world for our kids are far as I can see. Maybe everything goes in cycles and the great cycle is coming up soon.
Amen Jeff.....I don't care how you cut it...this administration was asleep at the wheel when it counted!!!!!

Carlos damn you, Only Good Conservative Republican Christians can say Amen or carry a bible. Everyone else is heathens:eek:

Just bustin your born again B's Ant