How would you break the Ice?

El Flojo

New member
When you are going after a good account how do you break the ice or get your foot in door. who points you in the right direction as far as who to talk to? Just thought it would help some of the guys like me that can sell anything to anyone but when its your biss. ya choke up. I gotta branch on banks to talk to next week on getting them cleaned on a bi monthly basis and want to get it.
I have always found that when I am myself i do better. The largest account I ever got I though was worth about half of what it was worth. I was not stressed about it. I just went in there and did my thing. Later I found out it was double.

Just relax and do your thing.
When you are going after a good account how do you break the ice or get your foot in door. who points you in the right direction as far as who to talk to? Just thought it would help some of the guys like me that can sell anything to anyone but when its your biss. ya choke up. I gotta branch on banks to talk to next week on getting them cleaned on a bi monthly basis and want to get it.

You seem to have it backwards, You grab the manager or GM and you Choke them up real nice like!!

Then you tell them you will be here every month to clean his S**T and it's COD!!:rolleyes: :p
When you are going after a good account how do you break the ice or get your foot in door. who points you in the right direction as far as who to talk to? Just thought it would help some of the guys like me that can sell anything to anyone but when its your biss. ya choke up. I gotta branch on banks to talk to next week on getting them cleaned on a bi monthly basis and want to get it.

Seriously tho, I would get the name of the person who makes the dicission on these matters, and set up a free demo with them. Most times your demo if done right will make up there mind.;)