How to spot an E-Mail HOAX.........

Dan S

Use common sence.Would you believe it if it came from an e-mail? Then don't believe it just because someone e-mailed it to you.

What's the source? Most e-mail lies are anonymous.Yes, you may know the person who passed it along to you, but is this sourse quoted? Even if there is,is it someone-or some organization-which would be likely to use this sort of e- mail dissemination to get the word out?

ALL CAPS. Many e-mails lies are written in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. No public relations professional would do such a thing.

Forward this to everyone!!!!! Statements such as "send this to everyone you know" are a hallmark of e-mail lies.

Why did you have to get this information in this manner>? Ask yourself : If this info. were true, wouldn't I have heard about it in the news media?

I was reading a mgizine and this was in it so i thought i would pass the info on.........happy reading.

Thanks for the heads up Dan. I never belive anything that comes through on e-mail I trash everything. But yes there are still thousands of people out there who fall for these scams. Maybe you posting this will save some of them.:D