How to handle apartment bids?


New member
We have bid a few apartments over the past 1.5 years or so. 3 or four ranging from $9000.00-16900.00, this would be killer for me but we have yet to land one. We have one we bid last friday hanging out currently. it was 13 buildings and we bid each one at $1300 for the siding and the concrete, mainly steps and breezeways. Obviously it would be quite difficult for any of y'all to tell me if that's too high or low, I think the price is about right though. I'm wondering if I should call to check up on it or what, I've never been sure about the calling back thing. Also, I'm sure we will have another bid on a complex here sometime soon, what should I do to up my chances of getting it, bid low, high, normal? Call back, leave lots of propaganda etc...?
If you have never received any work from those bids than either others have bid lower or maybe they had a company in mind and used you as a comparison bid but again your price was probably higher. That doesn't mean what you asked for was unreasonable just someone else willing to do it for less.

When it comes to work like this I usually charge less than what I would for residential work. You are talking multiple buildings at the same location that depending on the size of your company could keep you busy for a week or two. If the owner has multiple properties and you land one it could also lead to more work. How much more would it cost you to wash 36 houses than 10 three story apartment buildings at the same location?

I would just ask the PM how far off on my bid I was. Many people will tell you a percenatge. Doesn't hurt to ask.

I'm 1 for 1 on bidding these type of projects, so I don't have much experience. If you can get more face time with the property manager and maintenance supervisor I think it helps.
If you get the face time your bid becomes more than just a number. When you get to talk to these ppl ask them when was the last time it was done. What did they like/dislike about the last contractor? What are their priorities?
Like I said I don't have much experience with these type of projects, but just like with someones home you have to sell them on why your company can and will exceed their expectations.
Good luck, let me know how it works out.
I agree with Bobby face time is valuable also I belive that a call back is a must. It shows the customer {com.or Residential} you truly want there business. Communication is important. I have cleaned 4 different complexes and made decent money on each one and I have submitted a bid for the fith one. I have already cleaned the breeze ways for the fith complex so they could paint. It's great work you have to just deal with the hassles. Lowest bid 7,000.00 Highest 16,000.00 so far landed every one, I do feel my bids should have been a little higher but I was glad to have the work. If you have any questions Daniel give me a call Mike 205-821-4610