How to apply the sauce


New member
OK - I thought I had this figured out. I am looking for the best way to apply the cleaner to the roof. I have looked at the X-Jet and the "Super suds sucker", etc. I am confused by the term "down streaming", I used the formula for the "Applesauce" but we apply with battery operated back-pack spray/tank - it actually work well - just too slow. I did not think you all were applying with presuure washers, I thought the whole idea was softwashing. Does this mean that when you mix the sauce you are actually diluting down farther with the water from the pressure washer. We are really getting confused, I want to learn the correct way to clean roofs, what would be the next step up in equipment before I can build up to my own "rig".
the delevan would definitely be the way to go. much faster!