How much time?


It's funny, before I found this BB I would go to work , come home, eat dinner, do some running around and spend some time with the family. Maybe It's because I'm new, but I find myself sitting down in front of the computer,sometimes before work, as soon as I get home,after dinner I will surf the BB while the kids destroy the house, chase the dog and I will be giving (yelling) orders from my office. I guess I dont want to miss out on all the info that the BB has to offer. Any one else doing the same thing? I'm sure as soon as the weather breaks here in N.J. I will be working all the time. Untill to you guys soon. Mark
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Love this board too. Can be very addictive especially if you post a question. Enjoy the replies. They are all great and helpful. I come on a couple of times a day just to see if there is something new. Thanks again everyone. Anna :)

Dont forget, you can set your post to give you an email notification when someone responds to it. Could save you some time.
Mike, I love to read the other posts too. Get alot of information from everyone. Get alot of Emails from friends and sites I subscribe too so have to keep up with everything before they buildup. Also enjoy instant message feature. Catch all my friends from out of town when they are on. They watch to to see who is on. Anna :)