How do you relax after a day of work


After a hard day of washing, what do you do to relieve the stress
of the day?
I forgot you rise with the moon.
What stress,if you learn how to control it you want need to relieve it.I feel good after a hard days work,makes me feel happy and proud but I'm a happy go lucky guy anyway:)
After a hard day of work, I find that going to the bank relieves the stress of the day!
Jon may soak in the hot tub or bath tub...
But I find that the occasional cold one really hits the spot!:cool:
I should add that while soaking I enjoy reading a good mystery book.

Grant since I am not really a drinker it would be hot tea for me!

Bank, what bank:rolleyes:
Hey Bigboy,
Not everyday is stress free.
I sometimes need the throwing in of a line and a cold beer to tell me everything is alright ;)
A trip to the bank always helps!
Do you have a favorite mistery writer?
I just finished a Lawrence Sanders mistery.
I like his Mcnally's books.
What does it for me, is my little girl running up to me and saying "Dad your home!" and later my wife saying "TAKE ME HOME" lol :D
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What stress. Season almost over here for me in Wi. I enjoy winter. In the summer I play softball to get rid of my stress.

Ha if ya been though the wringer as many times as I have you'd laugh at stress.I've learned to live without it,if I want to go fishing I go fishing,if I want to work I work,if I want lay around I lay around.piss on stress and the boots it wore to my door,my work is never stressful,I enjoy it as to relax while doing so,even tho I grit my teeth to help the powerwasher to do its job.

Yes,I do understand the meaning of stress,been there,done and as for as relaxen whats that..o sleep.:cool:
Jon, I never said cold drink, I intentionally left that open for anyone to assume. I may have meant a cold bath!!:p

So whats your favorite? Earl Grey? English Breakfast? Chamomile?
Darjling? Tea bag or loose tea? LOL
Stress is

my friend, i take him everywhere i go. He dont like it when i take him for a ride on one of my harley's. So he stay's home with my ol' lady.
When i get home she gives him back to me.
:( I tried to out drink him one time but it hurt my head in the morning. Ol' stress is trying to take advantage of me with this wedding thing but i just let him go over to visit my soon to be.:p
Talking about book's anyone read the RICH DAD,POOR DAD book's? His new one will scare the crap out of you.
What am I missing?

I'm with BIGBOY on the stress thing. I had stress years ago but I divorced it! Now, no stress-just FUN!

Tea? Jasmine - Cold One , That would be our weather change around here, Mark, can you belive how quick it turned? One day 87 degrees one week later we struggle to reach 60 degrees and how about those nights? Had a light frost two nights ago.

Mystery Writer?
I never knew this is what power washers did! I'm going to Barnes&Noble first thing this morning. Have a great day guys!

I read an AOL report on the "rich dad" book, and it did sound interesting. May have to go buy that this weekend.

Jon F,

I've got to find out the name of a mystery I read a couple years ago, probably the best book i ever read. I remember the story line but have to look up the name.

How do I relax after Powerwashing all day??? I go to my other job:)

Seriously I spend time with my family. I also relax in my outside Jacuzzi especially through the winter months. Something about being in Hot water with the cold air all around you.

Also watching Movies with my wife with a big bucket of popcorn and the kids are sleeping and then.................
Then What???

I just hang with my wife, if she has not already gone to bed before I get home. Then I unwind for about an hour and go to sleep.

I have another question, how many of you have worked all night, have a job in the morning, and instead of taking the time to go home to sleep, just sack out in your truck for a couple of hours?

Scott, i used to have that hair from sleeping in the truck. you forget the comb and need to stop by a circle K for a hat. LOL

I'm glad that doesnt happen much anymore but i had my days. often no sleep and just go to the next job in the morning. thats even worse....