How did the PWNA get started?

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
How did the PWNA get started?

I was told by Larry Hinckley that Robert Started Round table meetings locally around Dallas and from there they had five original members that said we should take this further.

I think round tables are very important in promoting the pwna. I have asked certain members of the PWNA and they have said it sound like a great idea.

Back to fundamental’s. Smaller chapters and meeting amongst local people and maybe one national convention a year. ( THIS OF COURSE IS JUST AND IDEA AND NOT ANYTHING THAT HAS BEEN APPROVED)

Maybe we have lost track of what made the organization and why it was founded? Currently Chris Detter and company are trying to change many things and have lot of things on there agenda.

THIS THREAD SHARE ALL THE IDEAS OF WHAT Chris & company are trying to accomplish.
Mission Statement

The Power Washers of North America is the recognized leader in developing and communicating the highest standards in ethical business practices, environmental awareness, and safety through continuing education and active representation of the membership. PWNA educated and trained contractors raise the level of Professionalism and value to their customers.

good statement...

I just thought i'd share thsi with you.
Great statement. I agree that there should definitly be local chapters. Maybe even state chapters with smaller area chapters if that is not going too far. Then there could be monthly meetings,membership drives, networking and a whole lot of other good stuff. Hey Mike, what are your feelings on that? Is it doable?
All of that is very possible.............but not until we get membership numbers up........
Ron Musgraves said:
Mission Statement

The Power Washers of North America is the recognized leader in developing and communicating the highest standards in ethical business practices, environmental awareness, and safety through continuing education and active representation of the membership. PWNA educated and trained contractors raise the level of Professionalism and value to their customers.

good statement...

I just thought i'd share thsi with you.

Recognized by whom? Surely not the public at large, nobody has ever heard of it. Surely not any city, county, state or federal regulatory agency, they are not consulted to any great extent in formulating policy. Surely not by the mfgs and distrs, as probably less than 1% are members. Surely not the contract cleaner, because there are significantly more non-members, than there are members.

Next time, leave out the hyperbole.
why was I deleted ?

you only want to hear what you wanna hear ...................
I was hoping to get some responses from seniors Pressure washers. People that remember the history and can recall positive things that were in the plans. I certainly want to know more about when and if the organization had any appeal.

I really am not looking for and argument about the organization just some info on the beginning.

Does anyone remember the beginning?
Dan, I don’t even understand what you’re talking about. I will ask you nicely one more time please stay on the subject at hand. If you don’t know any history please stay out of the conversation. I only want to hear about the history when the org. was created. Mike is the only person that can delete anything on this BBS anymore and if he didn’t delete it maybe you accidentally didn’t put it up. If you can’t remain on the thread content I will ask Mike to remove it. (He will store it next to the KING)

Thanks I know you can be a gentleman.
Are you sure you aren't thinking of the thread you started over on Dan's board where you blasted the PWNA and used words like "cr*p" and said that PWNA members think their "P**P don't stink"? Is that the thread you mean?

We encourage professionalism, ideas, and suggestions on how to improve, but the slanderous comments don't belong online.

4 years later .......... wow has time gone by!
I must be subscribed to this thread and got an e-mail................I heard Mike is no longer a p/wer.........................Hmmmmmmmmmm

King.........I remember that dude................. me and my kid was just talking about that .............thats some funny stuff there ...........

I'm happy to say that that has never happen again..........That I know of!
Hey Ron, I remember going to the first national show in Washington DC (dec. of 1992?). Wow, what an eye opener - I really learned about the business that show. When I left there I wasn't sure where I was going to do my first million in business, fleets, hoods, flat work or "commercial" (you know that mysterious type of business that us residential guys are going to get to even out revenue in the off season).

I would really like to know how many people are still involved with the organization from then. Just going back to four year old posts we find alot of the guys are not around, lets go back 13 years.

Tim McCulla
Dan S quote:

4 years later .......... wow has time gone by!
I must be subscribed to this thread and got an e-mail................I heard Mike is no longer a p/wer.........................Hmmmmmmmmmm
King.........I remember that dude.................

It's kinda like visiting the cemetery when you read all the old posts. The names are gone but not forgotten. Whatever did happen to Mike H, and the guy who knew everything about just about everything, the typingist pressure washer ever, Ron P?
Or how about that guy who used to threaten to go into anyones market who went up against him. Lance - The Carwash Guy.