How Cold Can You Clean In?

We wash trucks down to about 27. When we do houses we like stay above 40. We washed a Lowes in 12degree weather. They signed a waiver about the ice and we did it. Most the water was evaporated anyway.
roof cleaning around 45 ,house above 36 , and truck around 32,
Ditto with A & J above.

We do seem to have to kick up the roof mix as it gets colder too. May be because of the lower quality of SH as the pool season winds down. Contrary to popular belief our season in not just 9 months.
When January rolls around we have some shopping centers that need to be done. I try and choose a night where it stays above freezing but we have been out when it was around 30.

For house washes I like it to be 45 or better.
It doesnt get very cold here, but we did clean last year on the rare occasions it got down into the 30's. You just have to kick up your mix a little, and let it dwell a little longer. You may also notice that you have to spray an extra coat or 2.