House Washing Procedure


New member
Hello All,

I have been more of a lurker than a contributer. Spring is just around the corner and I wanted to piece some things together. While I have been reading here I have found many points on house washing but they come from many, many power washers. I was wondering if anyone would like to post there house washing procedure/rules of thumb that apply the majority of the time? Do you start at the top, the bottom ect,ect... I thought it would be neat to compare different complete methods to achieve the same clean reults from powerwashers across the country or abroad? If you feel like elaborting on what and how you use your chemicals during the process that would give everyone some food for thought as well. Thanks to all who have and who will contribute to this post but more importantly this forum.

Not exatly sure where this belongs so I posted in a couple of areas. Remove as needed.
If you don't have an xjet - buy one now - it will cut your time by 75%.

Chemical: 5 gallon bucket - 2 gallon of bleach, cup of soap, cup of wax.

Spray wall from bottom up and rinse from top down. Apply chemical and let set for 10 - 15 minutes (depends on situtation) - And rinse, rinse, rinse. Let you chemical do the work not water pressure.

Be careful around windows and doors.
Identify where gutters drain too.
Wet all vegetation before, during, and after washing the home.
Vinyl is more user friendly.
When cleaning alum siding, Be carefull with water pressure at corners, etc.

I could keep going, but will finish with this:

"Always think Liability & Safety."
Thanks for the replys everyone.

PS. Henry real nice site and by the way I live only 15min from Tom Vogel so I will be using his chems. I know you reccomend them. He is full of knowledge.