House Wash Chemicals from Sun Brite


Ms Awesome
Sun Brite offers three different products for cleaning houses and building exteriors. These cleaners vary in strength and price so that you can choose the one that is right for you. All of these cleaners ship without hazmat charges. **See below for a money-saving coupon!!

Citrus House Wash is our basic house wash product. It comes in a 55 gallon mix-it-yourself (MIY) dry kit to save on shipping cost. It is an alkaline cleaner that foams well and is great for mixing with bleach. Its citrus smell helps masks some of the bleach odors. It works effectively in hot or cold water. Citrus House Wash is available for $179.99 for the 55 Gal MIY. That makes this house wash the least expensive to use. Dilution rate varies according to the job, but we recommend dilutions around 1:40. Just over $1 worth of Citrus House Wash will clean a 2000 square-foot home.

Next we have All Brite. All Brite is a general purpose degreaser that works on just about any surface. It can take black streaks off gutters when used at a strong dilution. All Brite costs around $37 for a 5 gallon container. It is diluted 1:15 for house washing. About $6 worth of All Brite will wash a 2000 square foot area.

Our strongest (and most popular) house wash is Power House! This cleaner is strong enough for the worst situations. It eliminates mold, mildew, sticky hydrocarbon residue, as well as good ol' dirt. We have added lemon scent to assist in masking the odors when mixed with bleach. Power House will get black streaks off gutters, mobile homes, and RV's when used in a stronger concentration. Dilution rate is recommended at 1:15 (or higher) for house washing and 1:4 for gutter cleaning. Power House sells for $59.99 for a 5 gallon container, and about $10 worth will clean a 2000 square-foot area. We got a call just this morning from a contractor who took a house wash job that was so bad that several contractors had already walked away from the job. He used Power House and bleach, and in his words “it just erased the dirt within minutes!”.

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Jim - I do not know what their cleaner is made of to know what product of ours to suggest. We prefer not to comment on a competitor's products on the bbs as a professional courtesy.

Chris - Citrus House Wash only comes in the 55 gal MIY size. Our website has a shipping calculator in the shopping cart so you can know the freight before you check out. The 55 Gal Kit will ship for around $20.
How much Power House would be needed in a 5 gal downstream mix for house washing? I used Power House when I x jetted and it did work great. Switched to another product when I began DS ing. Would like to try PH again with the downstreamer.