Hotel roof cleaning Houston, TX

Scott D.

Heres the hotel we did on July 3rd. (the day our trailer was stolen :mad:) It turned out real nice, and should help in our marketing to hotels and other large commercial buildings.


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Sweeeeeeeet! How did you get that peak? Did you have a lift or were you able to shoot it?
Nice Job Don!:)
Thanks guys. The peak wasnt dirty, and they didnt want to pay to have it treated just in case. Wouldnt been a pita though cause we only had a 35 ft lift.

Thanks David. Its ok, we put out rewards posters, posted up at all the pawn shops, flea markets, gas stations, etc. We put the security photos of the theifs and their truck on the flyers. Hopefully we'll get something out of it.
But until then, we've got the new bandit coming next week, and our new trailer will be ready this weekend. Should have everything set up and ready to go by Wednesday or Thursday. I hope I do to cause I got a Job on Thursday and Friday! :eek:
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Dude Still sorry about the trailer ... In vicksburg MS they got the same set up a Best Western and a waffle house .. just like the pic.. I had 2 rolls of plastic stolen out of my truck today at waffle house.. I always get plastic stolen when it rains.. Damn Street Bums... I hope you catch the nuts that stole your trailer .. If you ever do , get the alone in an alley for about 15 min before the cops get there.. Nice job on the Inn.. The roof looks great..
scott, that looks real good man, just to let you know im checking the atlanta,ga criegslist, aswell you never no where that trailer may pop up!! good luck brother!!
Roof Cleaning Houston Tx by Confident Roof Cleaning

Scott, that is some great roof cleaning you did in Houston, Texas.
You have become the BEST roof cleaning company in Houston TX IMHO :)
We are all real proud of you!