Home phone


New member
We are seriously considering dumping our home phone service since we rarely get calls on it either personal or business.Our cell phone have just about replaced the land line.
I do a lot of invoice faxing now,but can swap over to emailing them without to much drama.

Has anyone gone to a cell only household?
I pulled our fax line when we went to cable phone service. I added a magic jack number ($20 a year) for outgoing calls to keep our cell minutes down when I'm in the shop. You can't fax with it. Most of our customers said they preferred that we email invoices anyway. So far it works great.
Since I got married 4 years ago, we just never called the phone company to get set up. We have been cell only ever since. We use email and have in the past used online fax services. We found that to be much better for faxing than even the best machines.
Just get a good top loading copier (home office or commercial model). We fax and scan almost as easy as we copy regardless of the number of pages!
We are seriously considering dumping our home phone service since we rarely get calls on it either personal or business.Our cell phone have just about replaced the land line.
I do a lot of invoice faxing now,but can swap over to emailing them without to much drama.

Has anyone gone to a cell only household?

I do not miss my land line. I only used it for faxing......we no longer fax. We email.
Only once in 8 years have we had a home phone and no one called us on it so we dropped it. Everyone calls or txts us.