Hi everyone


New member
Well I have been looking and reading on here for some time now but have not posted anything. So I figured I would say hi. I have been in the business now for about 3 years, mainly doing fleet washing with some houses. However I am geting tired of the trucks and am going to start trying to do more residentual. I wash about 110 trucks a week right now.

My full time Job in Firefighter for Houston TX going on 7 years , and live in Conroe TX. My equipment is Mi-T-M 3505 3500psi 5 gpm Hot Water unit, and a 3500 psi 5 gpm cold water unit, waterboy filtration unit and vaccum system 325 gal fresh water tank and 225 gal catch water tank with 25 gal sope tank and hose reals mounted on 20 foot texas bragg trailer
Thanks everyone yeah i am going to finish my sig